• Post category:StudyBullet-10
  • Reading time:8 mins read

No More Payments. No More Maintenance Fees. Cancelled Within 30-Days

What You Will Learn

You will stop paying maintenance fees to your Mexico timeshare

You will stop paying monthly payments for your Mexico timeshare

You will prevent your timeshare company from harassing you

You will prevent collection agencies from harassing you

You may receive a full or partial refund for your Mexico timeshare (time is of the essence)


  • Possess a genuine interest in learning how to legally cancel a Mexico timeshare


Are you wanting to cancel your Mexico timeshare contract without paying anyone to do it?

Welcome to the Mexico Timeshare Cancellation Course that will teach you how to legally cancel any Mexico timeshare obligation without worrying about legal issues or affecting your credit rating back home.

All that I ask is that you buy me a cup of coffee at buy me a coffee .com/ wcrobinson

Designed By a Former Timeshare Sales, Marketing Rep, and Contracts Specialist

A former Mexico timeshare salesperson (And an American veteran) has designed this course for those who would like to legally cancel their contracts without paying anyone to do it and avoid timeshare exit scams.  The entire course reveals shocking “insider secrets” that the Mexico timeshare industry does not want owners to know about.

If your timeshare is anywhere in Mexico, this course will teach you step-by-step how you get out.

No matter the reason you’re wanting out, you can now take a deep breath and settle in, because you’ve finally come to the right place.

  • No worries about getting involved in a timeshare scam.
  • No worries about paying thousand of dollars to a timeshare attorney.
  • No worries about spending too much money.

In easy to follow step-by-step formatting, this course will teach you everything you need to know to legally cancel any Mexico timeshare regardless as to whether it is paid off or if you owe back maintenance fees. But most importantly, you will learn that you can cancel your Mexico timeshare without legal issues or damaging your credit score back home, and it could all be complete within 30 days.

It’s similar to filing for a divorce.  You can either hire a law firm to file for you and they will charge you $5,000 or more plus court fees, or you can do-it-yourself and arrive at the same results.

Course Outline

Section 1 Welcome/Introduction

Section 2 Course Introduction

  • Mexico does not sell timeshare, but vacation clubs.  What’s the difference?
  • The Trap: The Mexico vacation club marketing staff
  • The Temptation: The Mexico vacation club sales presentation
  • The high pressure closers; How they get your money

Section 3 What Were You Thinking?

  • What?  No due diligence?
  • The rescission period; Cancelling before and after
  • Shocking discoveries:  Were you scammed?
  • The search to cancel your Mexico vacation club contract

Section 4 Why You Can Legally Cancel Your Mexico Vacation Club Contract

  • The laws are on your side
  • Why Mexico vacation club contracts are unenforceable
  • Why Mexico vacation clubs cannot come after foreigners
  • Cancelling your Mexico vacation club contract will not affect your credit score
  • Yes, you can continue to visit Mexico

Section 5 Cancelling Your Mexico Vacation Club Contract

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Note➛ Make sure your 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart has only this course you're going to enroll it now, Remove all other courses from the 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart before Enrolling!

  • The dirty little tricks of the Mexico vacation club cartels
  • Your 4 options to cancel
  • Preparing your legal documents

Here is what you get by taking this course…

  • No risk. 30 day 100% money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose
  • 22 easy to understand informational and downloadable lectures
  • 39-Page Course PDF Guidebook
  • Quizzes and assignments to help you learn
  • Copy of Everything About Timeshares eBook ($19.99 value) – Considered the definitive guide to the timeshare and vacation club industry with “insider secrets” you won’t get anywhere else. It teaches you how to navigate the complex timeshare system.
  • Templates for your cancellation documents and to prevent harassment calls
  • Email support from course instructor – during and after the courseAll that I ask is that you buy me a cup of coffee at buy me a coffee .com/ wcrobinson

What People Say About This Course

What I really needed to know was in lectures 13-16. However, everything in this course was 100% correct. He was right in how they deceive the consumer, use tactics and tricks to get the sale, and I was surprised to learn that legally they cannot take action against us because they aren’t financial institutions and the vacation clubs don’t even have licenses. This was super informative and I feel less stressed and more empowered. More importantly, I will never do this again. I am appreciative of Wayne sharing his knowledge to help the consumer win against these fraudulent Mexican vacation clubs.” –Wendy Boyd

I am so, so thankful for this course and Wayne’s guidance. The Mexican timeshare had illegally given my info to a US collection agency who reported it to the credit bureaus, and it was flagged as derogatory and to remain on there for 7 years. With the info I learned here, I was able to have it removed in less than 30 days, and my credit score went back up to where it was prior to the derogatory account being reported.” -Amy Yarbrough

“I wish I would have had this course BEFORE going to Mexico!” Erik Baxter

I can’t wait to share this course information with you.

So, what are you waiting for?  Sign up for the course, today, and get rid of that unwanted Mexico timeshare, maintenance fees and monthly payments.

All that I ask is that you buy me a cup of coffee at buy me a coffee .com/ wcrobinson


Wayne C. Robinson is not an attorney, nor does he provide legal advice to his students. He is simply sharing his knowledge and experiences within the Mexico timeshare industry that he feels consumers should know about. Some of the information featured in this course is included in his book, Everything About Timeshares: Before, During, and After The Sale, which sells on Amazon KDP Publishing. The eBook is free with the course.

This course is for entertainment purposes only.

By enrolling in this course, students will not hold Mr. Robinson responsible or liable for any results by taking this course, and they take it at their own risk.








Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who genuinely desires to legally cancel their Mexico timeshare without hiring anyone to do it
