Learn to Create Database Driven Web Applications using MySQL
☑ MySQL Database Administration
☑ PhpMyAdmin Fundamentals
☑ MySQL Security and Root Superuser
☑ Create Tables
☑ Creating Users
☑ Modifying Database Privileges
☑ Modifying & Deleting Tables
☑ Modifying & Deleting Databases
☑ SQL Fundamentals
☑ SQL Statements in PhpMyAdmin
☑ Database Connections
☑ MySQL Import & Export Data
☑ Updating Data in MySQL DB
Students learn to integrate and administer MySQL databases as part of PHP web application development.
The course begins with an in-depth look into PhpMyAdmin to create, delete and modify databases. We also explore security considerations and user privileges.
Next, students learn to build connections to existing databases in PHP, and execute commands using several essential SQL statements.
MySQL Database Integration
Introduction to Databases
Introduction PhpMyAdmin
PhpMyAdmin Interface Overview
MySQL Security and Root Superuser
MySQL Creating a Database and Table
MySQL Creating a New User
MySQL Database and Table Specific Privileges
MySQL Modifying and Deleting a Table
MySQL Modifying and Deleting a Database
Introduction to SQL
SQL Statements in PhpMyAdmin
Connect to MySQL Database using PHP
MySQL Database – Import Data
SQL Select
SQL Distinct Keyword
SQL Where Clause
SQL And Operator
SQL Or Operator
SQL Order By
MySQL Insert Into
MySQL Get Last ID
MySQL Insert Multiple Records
MySQL Prepared Statements
MySQL Delete Records
PHP Header Function
PHP Isset
MySQL Update Records