Concepts and Practice
What you will learn
Overview about the Advertising Industry
Objectives and Characteristics of Advertising
Developing a Creative strategy, Tactics and Executions in Advertising
Emerging Trends in Advertising
Developing a Media Strategy
Advertising Management is a course that begins with Marketing Communication and the tools of the Marketing communication mix. It will provide an overview about the size and growth of the Advertising industry as a whole in India and the world. The course will acquaint students with the objectives and characteristics of Advertising and its role in the Marketing Communication mix. The course provides knowledge on developing a creative strategy for advertising. This includes decisions such as Message generation, Message evaluation and selection, message execution and Social responsibility review. Students will learn various creative tactics and executions used in print and audiovisual advertisements. Creative tactics include brand awareness tactics such as brand recognition and brand recall tactics, as also informational and transformational brand attitude tactics. Advertising executions include slice-of-life, testimonial, demonstration, comparative techniques, refutation, fantasy, musical, humorous, anachronism and other creative executions. The course will also create awareness on media planning and provide knowledge on developing a media strategy. The course will create awareness on the emerging trends in advertising. Students will gain knowledge on leading Ad spenders, Ad agencies, Ad gurus and Ad awards in India and the world. And finally students will be able to use the creative tactics to develop advertisements on their own using the necessary software.