Created by a high school vet

What you will learn

Feel ready for the next stage of schooling

Learn more about post-secondary schooling

Learn about some of the different features that a high school usually offers.

Have answers to some of your questions answered about starting high school.


This course is for anyone wanting to know more about high school. The start of high school can be a scary and anxious time for many people and this course is here to help prepare those who will be moving on to high school. There are many changes and differences in high school compared to other schools and this course is here to discuss the differences, talk about some of the courses, clubs, and sports available in high school, and more! With this course by your side, there is no need to worry about getting ready for high school.

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Having graduated from high school a few years ago there are always common questions that I get asked from students about going to high school and their families. This course was created to go over all of the common questions and thoughts that people have about high school in hopes of making new students much more comfortable and prepared for the high school that awaits them. Starting high school was an anxious time for me as there was nowhere to look to find information and ways to prepare for my next chapter of education. This course would have been great to have when I began going to high school and now it is here for you!



Getting Started

Welcome to your course!
Ready for High School
High School Differences
The Journey of Starting High School
Words of Wisdom

Student Success

Student Success Pt. 1
3 Keys to Student Success
10 Tips for High School
Student Success Pt. 2

Getting Help Along the Way

Getting Help Along the Way Pt. 1
The Learning Triangle
Student Services
Student Agenda
Student ID
Getting Help Along the Way Pt. 2

High School Success

High School Success Pt.1
Recognition and Awards
Academic Dishonesty
High School Success Pt. 2

Getting Involved

Clubs and Sports
Getting Involved

Taking Off

The Journey of Starting High School
Thank You Message