What Me First
Course Tasks
About dashboard templates designs
How to handle Power Query error
Do this if you have errors in Power Query
Free Business Email for Power BI Service
Get free business email for Power BI service
Regional Sales Dashboard (Customer Retargeting)
Dashboard overview
Creating our beautiful custom templates 01
Creating dashboard template 02
Creating dashboard template 03
Creating dashboard template 04
Creating dashboard template 05
Creating dashboard template 06
Exporting custom dashboard template in JPEG format
Importing custom template the right way
Importing data to power query
Creating shipping and delivery intervals
Converting numbers to readable words in Power Query
Importing and cleaning dimensional tables
Adding label and animated circle dashboard home page
Creating our first DAX Measures
Formatting cards
Creating customer retargeting 01
Creating customer retargeting 02
Getting custom horizontal bar chart
Customers Retargeting custom template
Add Animated GIF and template
Formatting our dashboard
Regional Sales Dashboard (Order or Transation Analysis)
1 Adding template
Creating chart with custom legends
Getting and adding Icons
Filter quantity ordered for legends
Adding values to match legends
Adding more measures to tooltip
Creating dynamic caption
Adding percentages to caption 01
Adding percentages to caption 02
Adding filters
Regional Sales Dashboard (Products insights)
Measures for Simple aggregations
Top Selling products by transactions, sales & revenue
Visualizing top products
5 Creating least profitable products
Inserting and formatting table
Regional Sales Dashboard (Sales Team Analysis)
Exporting and importing template
Full sales details
Revenue by region and table formatting
Regional Sales Dashboard (Store locations analysis)
Custom template for store locations
No. states and store locations
Inserting location map
Formatting location map
Regional Sales Dashboard (Time range analysis)
Creating custom template
Custom Date table 01
Custom Date table 02
Restricting date table to a column with VAR
Creating switchable measures
Getting measure selected
Creating caption measure
Creating active measures
Quarterly view for switchable measures
Values on cards
Weekly and monthly trends
Adding required filters
More info on a card
Average sales per day
Measures for best selling days
Formatting Measures for best selling days
Adding year filter
Creating icons for page navigations
Hide and show Nav Icons or buttons
Publishing to web
Advanced Sales Analysis for Bakery Company
Data cleaning and transformation
Creating background using PowerPoint
3 Creating a custom date table
Extracting the right last transactional date
Total revenue for the last two years
Getting the current date
Revenue by pie types for the current 2 year
Calculating numbers of transaction with other metrics
Formatting Chart for organic revenue
calculating percentages for pie types
Dashboard formatting
Phase 2 Duplicating current page
Cumulative total revenue
Writing variable to compute yearly difference
Revenue comparison using Ribbon chart
Creating table to compare order types and Quarterly revenue
Adding page navigation
Adding slicers
19 How to get more dataset to practice
Employees Insight Dashboard (HR)
Dashboard overview
Importing dataset to Power Query
Making of our Dashboard Background
Active and Inactive Employees measures
Getting employees turnover, average salary and all employees salary
Creating side bar KPIs cards
Employees Attrition cards
Creating descriptive text for your dashboard
Cost center table analysis with colorful formatting
Formatting dropdown filters
Horizontal filter formatting
phase 2 Duplicating our dashboard
cumulative employees count overtime
Sick days and showcasing gender
Adding metrics table
Child Abuse Dashboard
Dashboard Overview
Importing data and cleaning
Loading data to Power BI
Creating template 01
Creating template 02
Creating template 03
Importing template to Power BI desktop
Important KPI’s
Top child care providers
Top child guidance states
KPI’s for other professions
Top 6 states with highest states
Highest perpetrator states
USA International Travel Dashboard
Loading data to power bi
Creating templates 01
Creating templates 02
Creating templates 03
Connecting the date table
Exporting template and importing to power bi
Creating our first measures
2020 most USA travel destinations
Percentage of 2021 Most travel destination
Quick 2021 most USA travel destinations
Top 10 over all most travel destinations
Percentage Top 10 over all most travel destinations
Weekly and monthly traveling trends
Formatting quarterly chart
Advanced Sales Analysis Dashboard
Creating template 01
Creating template 02
Creating template 03
Creating template 04
Loading datasets to Power Query engine
Data cleaning in Power Query
Checking data types and load
Exporting and importing templates to Power BI
Calendar table and relationships
Calculate important measures before branching out
Filling up and formatting our visual cards
Filling up and formatting our visual cards
Inserting dynamic kpi card for budge and sales variance
Formatting our custom KPI card
Creating quarters card labels
Filtering quarterly sales or revenue
Quarterly number formatting
Inserting and formatting filters
Editing filters interactions
Fixing filter values colors
Creating customer grouping
Pie Bakery Dashboard
Data cleaning and transformation
Creating background using PowerPoint
Creating a custom date table
Extracting right last transactional date
Total revenue for the latest years
Getting the current date
Revenue by pie types for the current 2 years
Calculating numbers of transaction with other metrics
Format Chart for organic revenue
Calculating percentages for pie types
Dashboard formatting
Phase 2 Duplicating current page
Creating cumulative total revenue
Writing variable to compute yearly difference
Revenue comparison using Ribbon chart
Creating table to compare order types and Quarterly revenue
Adding page navigation
Adding slicers
How to get more dataset to practice