Learn what you need about python for Abaqus
What you will learn
Why to script?
How python fits into Abaqus?
What are the useful words meaning in Abaqus scripting?
What is the python programming basics?
How the control flow of python program is regulated?
What is the module?
What are the different types of files in Abaqus scripting?
How to run a script?
How to get advantage of macro and replay files?
How to use Abaqus help?
How to start coding in Abaqus scripting?
This free version of the training package includes workshops that help you to fully learn how to use Python scripting in Abaqus software. This is likewise the most comprehensive tutorial for the script, and it is appropriate for beginners to advanced users. The subjects such as parameterization, optimization, sequential running and etc. are covered in this tutorial.
Python scripting in ABAQUS part1 (for beginners)
You will learn the basics of Abaqus scripting, and get a feel for Python. Moreover, the workshops demonstrate how to run optimization and parametric studies placing your scripts inside loops and varying parameters. You also get an in-depth look into extracting information from output databases, and job monitoring. All in all, you will get the knowledge and the confidence to write your own scripts for finite element simulations in Abaqus.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Python Scripting in Abaqus:
First of all, you will learn why we need to script. Secondly, a full explanation of useful words in Abaqus is prepared for you. Finally, you should know about what role Python plays in Abaqus and why we choose it over other scripting languages.
Workshop 1: simulation of a cantilever beam:
In this chapter, we go through a simple example of a cantilever beam to start scripting. you will work through all the steps in creating and setting up a finite element simulation in Abaqus using a Python script. Youβll discover how to use Notepad++ in addition.
Workshop 2: Running a number of jobs sequentially.
In this tutorial, we show you how to run a number of jobs continuously. Youβll be able to keep track of input files in subfolders of your directory and store simulation files in their own directory.