Learn Creating Awesome QR designs of any shape like Bunny , Elephant , Apple, Orange ,Penguin or even Your own Face
What you will learn
You will Learn creating QR codes for your website , your contact , your Facebook , Instagram or any social link
You will also learn creating QR Codes for accepting payment
You will Learn Creating Awesome QR Designs
You will Learn creating Distinctive QR designs like Penguin , Bunny , Apple , Orange, Elephant
You will also Learn a unique idea where someone when scan your face shaped QR , they can access your contact information
Have You ever thought of sharing your contact information scanning your Face Shaped QR ?
Or have you ever thought of creating Custom Shaped QR like a cute Bunny , or An orange or any shape you like ?
If your answer to any of these questions is yes, this course is for you.
Welcome to this course – Learn Creating Awesome QR Designs : 6 Projects Included
Our First section is an optional information section , where you will learn creating QR codes using Javascript
In our next section I will show you how to create QR codes without any coding knowledge
You will Learn creating QR codes for website link or social links like Facebook , Instagram etc
You will also Learn Creating QR codes for accepting Payments
Next You will Learn Creating custom QR shapes (any shape of your choice)
Here we will do 6 custom shaped QR Projects
– Penguin Shaped QR
– A cute Bunny
– An Orange
– An Apple
– An Elephant
– Our Final Project will be the most Interesting one as there you will Learn creating Face Shaped QR scanning of which will provide contact information . I am going to show by implementing it on my face . You can also do the same with your face or your friend’s face 🙂 or even you can do it for your clients
Everything is explained step by step.
Many tips and tricks are shared.
All the resource files are included.
If you have any query understanding some concept , feel free to let me know via q/a section or you can even message me .
So are you ready learning a new skill where you can create your face shaped QR and share that with your friends ?
Why waiting ? Enroll now and take your first step .