Introductory course on Linux Command Line (Bash Shell)

What you will learn

Do most commonly used Linux commands

Navigate Linux filesystem on command line

Create, view and edit text files using (nano) editor and other utilities on command line

Find help on various Linux commands

Do basic networking tasks on command line – file transfer (HTTP Server, wget) and check connectivity (ping)


In this course, you shall get an introduction to Linux Command Line. This course is targeted for Beginners of Linux command line. The users who use Linux extensively or do Bash Shell Scripting should Not enroll in this course as this course cover the basics.

Become an effective Linux user and level up your career and productivity!

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An aside: The major part of this course has been created on Ubuntu Linux but any Linux distribution can be used by the student to follow the course. 



Introduction to Linux and the Command line

Introduction to the course
History of GNU/Linux
Introduction to GNU/Linux
Introduction to Linux Distributions
QUICK WIN: cal and date
Introduction to Terminal and Shell
Introduction to Linux
BONUS: looking ahead of the curve

Introduction to Terminal commands

Introduction: Basic Terminal Commands
Where am I?
Change directory
List files
Create a directory
Create a file
Introduction to Terminal commands – PART 1
Type of a file
Read a file
Concatenate files
Copy a file
Move or Rename a file
Remove a file
History of your shell commands
Find a file
Shorten a long command
Introduction to Terminal commands – PART 2

Getting help on Terminal commands

Introduction: Help on Terminal Commands
Manual pages
What does this Terminal command do?
Getting help on Terminal commands

File manipulation commands

Introduction: File manipulation commands
Standard output redirection
Standard input redirection
Standard Error redirection
Chain Linux commands
Search for a keyword in a file
File manipulation commands – PART 1
Count words in a file
Sort content of a file
Filter content of a file
Environment variables on Linux
Compress files to save storage space
Read top and bottom of a file
Translate characters on a file
File manipulation commands – PART 2

Linux Filesystem

Introduction: Linux Filesystem
High-level overview of Filesystem hierarchy
Disk usage on Linux
Mount and unmount a filesystem (USB drive)
Linux Filesystem

Text editor on Linux

Introduction: Text editor
NANO editor: open, edit and save a file
NANO editor: Basic navigation commands
Text editor on Linux

User management in Linux

Introduction: User management
User Management: Tools
Root user account and Substitute user account
User management in Linux

Networking fundamentals

Introduction: Networking fundamentals
Check internet connectivity: ping
Download a remote file: wget
Share a local file: HTTP Server
Networking fundamentals
ACTIVITY: Download a remote file and access it on HTTP Server

Improve productivity on command line

Introduction: Productivity on Command Line
Shortcuts on shell
Introduction to Z Shell
Command line applications for image viewing and screenshot

The final steps

Bonus Lecture: Additional resources