Curious about Lean Six Sigma? Here’s a brief introduction. 100,000+ certified worldwide. BKO accredited
What you will learn
You will learn the essence of Lean Six Sigma.
You will learn how Lean and Six Sigma work together.
You will become familiar with some random tools in the Lean Six Sigma toolbox.
You will learn whether Lean Six Sigma is worth pursuing for you and your career.
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
Note: This course is not suitable for those who have already bought our entire collection of LeanΒ Six Sigma courses. This course will then provide nothing new. This course is designed to introduce people to LeanΒ Six Sigma and our teaching style to see if they want to continue with this methodology and our free certification track.
Six Sigma Academy Amsterdam [SSAA] is an initiative by a team of university lecturers from Hollland to make academic quality Lean Six Sigma training accessible, practical and fun. Welcome to our Lean Six Sigma introduction course. This Lean Six Sigma introduction course is intended for those who like to briefly have a taste of Lean Six Sigma to see if it is something for them or not. If you like the content, we would be honored to welcome you on board of our full accredited Lean Six Sigma program which contains a free certification track. However, there are no obligations.
In this short introductory course, we will do the following:
Β· We briefly introduce Lean and Six Sigma and teach you how they relate and how they differ. We do that in one brief video.
Β· We then continue to show you 3 random videos that will show you either a tool, a technique or a template that is used in Lean Six Sigma. These will be just a few tools, techniques, templates from many. The aim here is to demystify them, show their usefulness and introduce you to our style of teaching. The goal is not to provide a full overview of the tools, techniques and templates. That is done in our regular courses.
Are you up for it? Let’s roll.
Team SSAA (Six Sigma Academy Amsterdam)