• Post category:StudyBullet-18
  • Reading time:3 mins read

The Fastest Way of Your React Native App into the App Stores with GitHub Actions (Expo Included)

What you will learn

Unified Configuration of the React Native App for Deployment

Creating of Apps in Apple Developer + App Store Connect and Google Play

Code Signing – Certificates, Provisioning Profiles and Google Play Upload Keys

GitHub Actions Workflow Configuration for React Native CLI and Expo apps

Why take this course?

This is a fast-paced, high-value, straight-action Speedrun of “How to Automate Your React Native App (CLI or Expo) Deployments into the Apple App Store and Google Play, with GitHub Actions“…

The focus is NOT on the React Native app – the app you’ll learn on is actually provided for free and:

  • supports multiple environments (dev/stage/prod),
  • is configurable by environment variables,
  • has everything ready for the first App Stores submission.

The focus IS on actually setting up the Mobile CI/CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions. A minimal pipeline used by both platforms (iOS and Android).

This course covers the following:

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  • unified way of configuring your app and the deployment process,
  • creating the App in Apple Developer + App Store Connect and Google Play,
  • managing Code Signing for both iOS and Android,
  • setting up the GitHub Actions Pipeline from scratch.

This course tries to keep things as simple as possible, while delivering the value as fast as possible.

You’ll walk away with a fully configured, automated release process for your React Native app that you can use for your apps and further customize.

It’s fast-paced, therefore under 1 hour of video content might take you approximately 2 hours to implement, but I promise you’ll get it done.

