• Post category:StudyBullet-18
  • Reading time:3 mins read

In death may we find purpose

What you will learn

How to find purpose in life

Just maybe, death is not as frightening as first thought

How to leave a legacy behind

The benefits of having purpose.

Why take this course?

This is a course with two Instructors:

  • Peter Thomas – pre-2017
  • Chris Sivewright – post-2017

The reasons are clear in the Introduction.

There are five sections to this course:

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  • Purpose in Life
  • How much time left?
  • Thinking about Death
  • How carefully should we live our lives?
  • Is there life after death?

How is the course organised?

As per the five sections above but, in addition to lectures by Peter there are:

  • Many references to news articles from 2024 and before
  • Various Youtube clips of films that Peter acted in
  • Homework questions
  • References to studies – 2024 and before
  • Some thought experiments

So, what makes this course different to others about finding purpose in life?

  • There are many resources and homework questions. these are linked to articles and websites. They are form discussion in the Q/A. many of the resources are current as at mid-2024.
  • To illustrate the points made in lectures, Peter (the Instructor) refers to films he has appeared in. This makes the course very personal – and unique. Clips from the films are shown.
  • The emphasis is on participation. You are shown lectures and given links to resources. BUT questions are asked about these resources and the Q/A – which doubles as a forum for discussion -0mis used to discuss and explore a) what you have learnt but b) also what your thoughts are about the points made. In this sense the Q/A is an integral part of the course.