Playwright in Javascript in Hindi Language : Best for Beginners and Advanced users

What you will learn

Automation using playwright from scratch

Web scrapping

Assertions and making sure website is working as expected

Report generation – HTML , JSON and third party reports

Github Actions pipeline creation for test case execution automatically

Accessibility testing and reporting

Handling UI Components

Advanced techniques using automation like File upload, iframe handling, drag and drop etc

Handling all type of dialog boxes, alert boxes, prompts, popups, new window etc

API testing, mocking , Intercepting

Visual / Snapshot Testing

Debugging / Tracing

Running playwright with JEST, Mocha , Chai and Jasmin

Why take this course?

Playwright in JS – Hindi Language

This is just a part 1 video, there are subsequent videos apart from this, kindly go to my profile and visit other videos

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Welcome to the ultimate Playwright course where you will learn everything you need to become proficient in web automation and testing using Playwright. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced QA engineer, this course covers all aspects of Playwright, from installation to advanced automation techniques.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Introduction to Playwright: Get started with an overview of Playwright and understand its role in modern web automation.
  • Installation: Learn how to install Playwright and set up your development environment.
  • Understanding Web Elements: Explore different types of web elements and their interactions in Playwright.
  • Core Concepts of Automation: Master automation concepts such as test case structure, assertions, and handling UI components.
  • Page Locators and Selectors: Dive into the various methods of locating and selecting elements on a web page.
  • Assertions in Playwright: Understand how to perform assertions to validate expected behavior in your tests.
  • Basic Methods for Web Automation Testing: Learn essential Playwright methods for automating web interactions.
  • Handling UI Components: Gain proficiency in interacting with UI components like dropdowns, text boxes, and buttons.
  • Test Case Structure: Explore test case organization with test, describe, and multiple test groups.
  • Tagging & Annotations: Learn to tag and annotate test cases to control execution behavior.
  • Playwright APIs: Explore Playwright’s API for filling forms, clicking elements, and more.
  • Navigation: Understand how to navigate web pages using Playwright’s navigation methods.
  • Advanced Techniques and Interactions: Explore advanced topics like file uploads, downloads, and drag-and-drop interactions.
  • Assertions and Expectations: Use assertions and expectations to verify the correctness of your tests.
  • Working with Pages and Windows: Handle dialog boxes, alerts, prompts, new windows, and pages.
  • Working with Frames and IFrames: Learn how to interact with frames and iframes in Playwright.
  • API Testing and Mocking: Explore techniques for API testing, including mocking and managing authentication.
  • Page Object Model (POM): Implement the Page Object Model for efficient test maintenance and scalability.
  • Accessibility Testing: Use Axe for accessibility testing and generate accessibility reports.
  • Visual Testing: Understand the concept of visual testing, capture screenshots, and compare visual changes.
  • GitHub Actions Integration: Implement continuous integration with GitHub Actions to automate test execution.
  • Debugging and Tracing: Learn various debugging techniques, including logging, debugging flags, and environment variables.
  • Parameterization: Parameterize your tests for data-driven testing and flexibility.
  • Practical Samples and Projects: Work on real-world projects like form submissions, dropdown interactions, and more.
  • Complete Project: Build an end-to-end test suite for an employee management system using Playwright.
  • Integration with Jest/Mocha/Jasmine: Learn how to integrate Playwright with popular testing frameworks for enhanced test management.

By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills and confidence to automate web testing effectively using Playwright, understand best practices for maintaining automated test suites, and be equipped to apply your knowledge to real-world projects. Enroll now and start your journey to becoming a Playwright expert!
