Learn what Chakras are and why they are important to us as humans!

What you will learn

What a Chakra is.

Why Chakras are important.

Understand how each of the 7 Chakras and how they relate to us and our everyday life.

See how the Chakras work like knobs on a radio and how to create awareness

Take home tools to relate to each of our own Chakras, in our own individual ways.

Why take this course?

This is a fun and interactive introduction class for a basic understanding of the Chakras and how they affect us as humans. The majority of people don’t really know what a Chakra is, or very little about what they really are for.  The word Chakra to many can relate as something “WooWoo” or “Not Important”… These common reactions stem from a world and system at which has not provided accurate or really any common knowledge information.

The fact is that Chakras are a body part.  A part of our anatomy like our heart and lungs.

The Chakras relate to the body by holding and storing our emotions, feeling and reactions.

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Just as taking a biology class and making sure we eat right is important, the Chakra system is a vital part of our health and emotional well being.

This class is to easily support those that are just learning or understanding Chakras.  We will learn:

  • Why Chakras are important for daily life.
  • Where Chakras come from and pronunciation
  • Learn each individual Chakra and how it functions
  • Take home tools for each Chakra that you can use forever!

Relate to each Chakra and take home tools to create a closer connection.

This class is to support a more balanced lifestyle with a start to creating personal tools to less stress, anxiety and an overall more calm, clear and happy life.
