All In ONE Fleet ERP – Algorithmic Intelligence to Fleets

What you will learn

Fleetain is the key to any Profitable Fleet Management Operation. After taking this course you will be able to steer your organisation towards sustainable profitability.

Why take this course?

Fleet Management is getting critical everyday and earning profits is becoming tough day by day, sustaining profits is all together another game. In this trying time, an algorithmic Intelligent system can only be your best guide bringing in Intelligence to operations. making organisations become more transparent, and improving governance.

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Preventative Schedules and Inspections generate Tasks that need to be taken care in order to avoid breakdowns. Workorder management keeps track of all tasks performed on a particular vehicle, so the same could be analyses to the model of the vehicle and down to the nut bolt replaced on the vehicle. Tyre management Inspections inform you about the early wear, so prompt action can be taken to reduce expense, Features like Warranty Tracking, can enhance the profitability by giving warranty expirations.
