5 very effective stress management techniques that require no prior knowledge or skill and can be done in your own home.
What you will learn
You will learn 5 techniques how to manage your stress levels on a day to day basis.
You will learn techniques about how you can keep calm in highly stressed situations.
You will learn 5 techniques how to develop your sense of resilience.
You will learn 5 techniques that you can demonstrate to other people to support them.
How to deal with stress and stress management for parents?
Here are my tips for any soon to be,brand new,or existing Dads who want to learn how they can manage their stress levels If you are,like me, a dad who sometimes gets so overwhelmed that he is very close to losing his sh*t then this may be the course for you. Parenting is quite often like herding cats,or pushing water uphill. That said I’m here to offer the knowledge from all the lessons I’ve learn’t from nearly a decade of being a dad. Want to know how to stay in shape when you have no spare time or money? This course can help with that. Want to know if men get the Baby Blues? This course can help you with that. Want to know how to get better at managing your mental health? This course can help with that.Don’t get me wrong, I’m a happily married father of three and being a husband and a dad is my reason to be. It is without a don’t the most stressful,exhausting and challenging area of my life.There have been and continue to be daily if not hourly moments where I doubt my ability to do this. That said from creating and uploading content for the benefit of other dads on my youtube channel “Dad School The Musical” I’ve realised that there are millions of other dads who are or who have also struggled. That said all the these techniques demonstrate in this course have helped get me through some genuinely upsetting and challenging times. I’m confident they could do the same for you. James