• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:5 mins read

The only warning that every serious PowerApps developer MUST know about

What you will learn

What delegation is in PowerApps

How delegation can help you for more efficient and faster responding apps

Understanding delegation warning and when you should really care about it

How to enable app testers to evaluate the app functionality related to delegation

Delegable and non-delegable table functions in PowerApps

How to push delegation warning under the rug and update your resume for another job

How to go around delegation limitation using alternative functions or Power Automate

Comparing SharePoint online and Dataverse delegation capabilities


If you have worked with PowerApps and tried connecting your app to any data source (SharePoint, Dataverse, SQL Server or salesforce) you have definitely seen the delegation warning.

If you are working with small app with small data behind it, you cam easily disregard it; but when the number of the records go beyond 500, you start seeing some unexpected behavior.

In this course you learn about

1. What delegation is in PowerApps

2. How delegation can help you for more efficient and faster responding apps

3. Understanding delegation warning and when you should really care about it

4. How to enable app testers to evaluate the app functionality related to delegation

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5. Delegable and non-delegable table functions in PowerApps

6. How to push delegation warning under the rug and update your resume for another job

7. How to go around delegation limitation using alternative functions or Power Automate

8. Comparing SharePoint online and Dataverse delegation capabilities

This is not the beginner course. This is designed for developers that use PowerApps as their primary development platform and design apps that interact with large amount of data in Dataverse or SharePoint.

This is not a hands-on course. It is packed with demos and quizzes. It is all about understanding and applying the knowledge to your own solutions. Assumption is that you already know how to build the app in PowerApps. You just need to scale it for larger amount of data to work with.




What is this course about?
The course roadmap

Understanding importance of delegation

What’s delegation and why do we need it?
What if we completely ignore delegation warning?
Data row limit quiz

Delegation matters in these PowerApps table functions

Data source setup
Creating the app for this course
How delegation works with Excel
Delegation in Excel data source
Search vs Filter … SharePoint vs Dataverse
What we learned so far – Important review
Delegation in SharePoint and Dataverse
Delegation in PowerApps LookUp function
Delegation in Choice fields (SharePoint vs Dataverse)
Lookup field and delegation challenges (Part 1)
Lookup field and delegation challenges (Part 2)
Lookup fields and delegation
Bypass delegation limitation between SharePoint list and combobox
Delegation and SharePoint person field (Single selection vs Multi selection)
CountRows and CountIf delegation in Dataverse
CountRows and CountIf delegation inside SharePoint
Row counting and delegation
How RemoveIf and UpdateIf handle delegation

When delegation is dead end

What is this section about
Be creative to push PowerApps delegation limitations
Using Power Automate flow to push delegation limits