The only course you need to learn structural design patterns!

What you will learn

Think about the design choices in a better way

Be able to code a efficient and cleaner solutions for commonly known problems

Be confident at understanding and explaining Structural Design Patterns.

Be able to come up with a well thought design for the problem in hand

Be able to communicate well in design discussions and convey ideas fluently within team.


This course aims to delve into the realm of structural design patterns, offering a comprehensive exploration of their significance and practical applications. Beginning with a high-level overview, we’ll dissect the fundamental concepts encapsulated within these patterns, unraveling the rationale behind their indispensability in software development.

The course unfolds with an in-depth examination of specific structural design patterns, each contributing to the intricacies of building robust software architecture. The patterns to be explored include:

  1. Adapter
  2. Bridge
  3. Composite
  4. Decorator
  5. Proxy
  6. Facade
  7. Flyweight

Our journey through these patterns will be meticulous, ensuring a thorough understanding of their nuances and the unique problems they address. Through hands-on coding sessions, participants will actively engage with the material, gaining practical insights into the implementation of these design patterns.

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By the end of the course, participants will possess a profound comprehension of not only what these structural design patterns entail but also how to effectively employ them to enhance software design. To facilitate continuous learning and practical application, links to the corresponding source code will be provided at the conclusion of the introduction section.

Embark on this educational odyssey with us as we demystify structural design patterns, empower you with coding prowess, and equip you with the knowledge to navigate and optimize software architecture. Let’s dive into the intricate world of structural design patterns and pave the way for innovative and efficient software solutions. Let the coding journey commence!




Introduction: What are Structural Design Patterns?

Structural Design Patterns

The Adapter Pattern
The Bridge Pattern
The Composite Pattern
The Decorator Pattern
The Facade Pattern
The Proxy Pattern
The Flyweight Pattern
Structural Design Patterns Quiz