Systemised Techniques for Conscious Body Fields

What you will learn

Define and describe heavy metals and issues accumulation can cause in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies

List potentials for causes

Self-assess current exposure potential status

Introduce concept of energetic scanning

Describe examples of techniques and tools to aid scanning, processes and system

Observe examples of energetic clearing

Learn examples of how to systemise and process energy work

Experience 5 organs consciousness states

Observe 10 metal energetic frequencies

Observe 5 plant frequencies

Acknowledge how plant frequencies can support organ code structures

Develop energy reading skill sets

Discuss important of energy hygiene measures and associated cautions and warnings when beginning to work with different energies

List suggestions for alternative products to reduce accumulation


Systemised techniques for energetic hygiene management


3 system resources & how to run throughs

Self-assessment of heavy metal accumulation risk QUIZ

Flow Chart Guide Template to assist template guidance with scanning techniques

5 organ examples of 10 metals, run through examples at varying pace: Liver, Kidneys, Brain, Lungs, Bones

5 plant support run throughs

Energy hygiene tools including considerations when working with energy.


1. Define and describe heavy metals and issues accumulation can cause in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies

2. List potentials for causes

3. Self-assess current exposure potential status

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4. Introduce concept of energetic scanning

5. Describe examples of techniques and tools to aid scanning, processes and system

6. Observe examples of energetic clearing

7. Learn examples of how to systemise and process energy work

8. Experience 5 organs consciousness states

9. Observe 10 metal energetic frequencies

10. Observe 5 plant frequencies

11. Acknowledge how plant frequencies can support organ code structures

12. Develop energy reading skill sets

13. Discuss important of energy hygiene measures and associated cautions and warnings when beginning to work with different energies

14. List suggestions for alternative products to reduce accumulation

If there is any other information you would like or enquiries you have please do not hesitate to send a Udemy message 😀




Description & Learning Objectives

Unofficial Introduction

A brief ease into the container that is this clearing space


Official Welcome to Country
About The Course Video
Written Info About The Course
Causes & Self Assessment Accumulation QUIZ
Downloadable Resources – Compiled for easy reference

System Processes

How To Use Resources
Flow chart guide

5 Organ & 10 Metals – example run throughs in various methods and styles

Liver Audio
Kidneys Audio
Brain Audio
Lungs Audio
Bones Audio

Plant Support



Wrap Up

Where to from here?

Replacement Products – suggestions
Other Resources