• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Unofficial Udemy Student Guide: Get the best Udemy courses free or dirt cheap, then: watch fast, leave notes, messages

What you will learn

Use the Udemy Categories drop-down menu to browse the Udemy course catalog. Filter search results by level, length and even price ;-).

Use the Udemy search field to perform specific searches when you know more-or-less what you’re looking for. Again, filter search output for best results.

Evaluate a course based on number of reviews and star rating, number of students and the last time updated. Browse the course description for details.

Review the previewable video material for the course to determine if you have a match with the instructor.

Evaluate the instructor of a course by reviewing their Udemy course catalog for additional courses in a niche and for applicable courses.

Add courses for potential future purchase to your Udemy Watchlist by clicking on the heart symbol to the right of the buy button while reviewing a course.

Never pay full price for a Udemy course by understanding Udemy course pricing and displaying courses that are available for free on Udemy.

Use Udemy sales, course coupons, promotional announcements, Internet search and referral codes to get courses free or at a discount.

How to watch a course, navigate a course and download a course for watching offline. How to organize your courses and watch then fast while leaving notes.

How Udemy instructors get paid.


The only thing more ever-changing than the weather is the Udemy student interface.
Woe be it to any instructor foolish enough to chisel its present likeness into granite.

—Brian Jackson

Hello and welcome to my course, Unofficial Udemy Student Guide 1: Courses and Instructors.

My name is Brian Jackson.  I am the writer of over one dozen books, publisher of well over 100 books, and Udemy instructor with almost 40 courses to my name.

I’m also a Udemy student.

I’ve been a Udemy student for almost ten years now.  During that time, I managed to acquire exactly 545 Udemy courses.

Now, you may think that I spent a lot of money acquiring so many courses, but you’d be wrong.  You see, I obtained most of my courses for free and the rest at ridiculously low prices through the use of coupon codes and Udemy sales.

Coupon codes?  Udemy sales?  What are those?

Get Instant Notification of New Courses on our Telegram channel.

Don’t worry, everything will be explained in due course.

In this course I’ll show you how to find the best courses at the best prices and then how to get the most out of each course you take.

The course is divided into the following main sections:

  • Evaluating the Udemy Course Catalog
  • Never Pay Full Price for a Udemy Course
  • Getting the Most Out of Your Udemy Courses

Note: If you’re in a rush, simply scan the lecture descriptions, which are fairly descriptive, and drop in on any lectures that interest you.  Udemy course taking tip #1.

So, if you’re ready to Udemy with the best of us then I’m ready to show you the tricks of the trade.

As always, good luck and happy Udemy’ing.





Course Overview

Evaluating the Udemy Course Catalog

Using Categories to Find Courses
Searching and Filtering Search Results
Evaluating a Course for Purchase
Using Free Previews
Evaluating a Course Instructor
Building a Udemy Course Wishlist

Intermission I

Please Leave a Review

Never Pay Full Price for a Udemy Course

An Overview of Udemy Course Pricing
Displaying Free Courses Available on Udemy
Udemy’s Endless Course Sales
Introduction to Course Coupon Codes
Instructor Promotional Announcements
Finding Free and Discount Coupon Codes on Facebook
Searching the Internet for Coupon Codes
Asking the Instructor for a Discount Coupon
The Bonus Lecture and Referral Codes
Udemy Business Class

Intermission II

No, Really, Please Leave a Review

Getting the Most Out of Your Udemy Courses

How to Watch a Course
How to Navigate a Course
Downloading Courses
Course Resources, Lecture Resources and Affiliate Links
My Learning
Watching a Course Fast or Slow
Watching a Course with Closed Captions
Leaving Notes on the Course Timeline
Leaving Course Questions and Comments

Additional Material

How Udemy Instructors Get Paid


Bonus Lecture