• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Become an expert in PostgreSQL. Store and fetch data, tune queries, and design efficient database structures

What you will learn

How to make use of multiple PostgreSQL instances in the cloud

The theory of PostgreSQL architecture and how it works under-the-hood

Understand PostgreSQL Process and Memory Architecture.

Step-by-step walkthrough to perform simple to complex postgreSQL queries


The goal of this course is to help the trainees understand each and single concepts that fall under the domain of PostgreSQL which is a relational database management system. This training will be enabling the trainees to master the concept of PostgreSQL from scratch and to help implement and manage this database. After completing this course, the trainees will be able to solve all the problems that could be solved using a robust database like PostgreSQL.

The main objective of this course is to assist all the interested folks on how the concepts of PostgreSQL could be leveraged to draft solutions for various data storage and processing related problems. One of the main objectives is also to provide practical exposure to all of the trainees so that they could understand how things could get implemented. The projects have also been added in the course to reinforce the understanding of the trainees on particular concepts.

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PostgreSQL Course Fundamentals will be the first unit where you will be learning about all the fundamental level topics of PostgreSQL. It will be around four and a half an hour video tutorial where you will be covering all the topics that are considered under the beginner level topics. The first half an hour of the course has been devoted to introducing the trainees about PostgreSQL while the remaining time will be used to details the concepts that will be used further while working on the project or while learning the advanced level topics. After completing this unit, you will be able to work very effectively with all the fundamental level topics.



PostgreSQL Course

Introduction to PostgreSQL
Continue PostgreSQL Introduction
Drop Database
Drop Database Continue
Insert Into Table
Insert Into Table Continue
Adding Constraints
Numeric Types
Advantages of SQL Part 1
Advantages of SQL Part 2
Advantages of SQL Part 3
Basic of Table
Constraints Concepts
Constraint Concept
Constraint Concept Continue
Primary Key
Foreign Key
Modifying Table Part 1
Modifying Table Part 2
Modifying Table Part 3
Modifying Table Part 4

Project On PostgreSQL: E-Commerce Reporting And Analysis

Introduction to Project
Introduction to Project Continue
Installation Continue
Managing Databases
Managing Tables
Managing Tables Continue
Understanding Case Study Dataset
Import CSV Dataset Into Table
Querying the Database Tables
Querying the Database Tables Continue
Filtering the Records
Using Subqueries
Grouping Data
Using Joins Part 1
Using Joins Part 2
Using Joins Part 3
Grouping Sets
Grouping Sets Continue
Cube and Rollup
Reporting Introduction
Reporting Project Assignment Part 1
Reporting Project Assignment Part 2
Reporting Project Assignment Part 3

PostgreSQL Project – Solving Employee Records Queries

Introduction to Project
Setting Up with PostgreSQL
Creating Employee Table
Appraisal Tables
Query for Joining Tables
Query For Appraisal
Query for Finding Salaries
Output of the Project

PostgreSQL 2023 Training

PostgreSQL Basic
Downloading of PostgreSQL
Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL
Tables Using Query
Inserting Records in Humanresource Database
Executing Queries from Command Line
Creating and Inserting Records in SampleDB
Creating and Inserting Records in SampleDB Continued
Multi-Insert Statement
More on Upsert
Assignment Explanation
Various Select Clause
Using Aggregate Function in Select
More on Aggregate Functions
Using More Clauses in Select Statement
Order by Clause
Char and Like Clause
More on Like Clause
Using Group by and Having Clause

PostgreSQL Tutorials – The Fundamentals

Introduction to PostgreSQL
Benefits of PostgreSQL
Aspect of Database
Types of Data
Issuing Database Commands
Table Structure
Inserting Data in Table
Retrieving the Data
Sorting of Data
Analyzing of Various Queries
Destroying a Table
Customization of Queries
Understanding Null Values
Performing Complex Clause
Uses of Distinct Keyword
Set Show and Reset
SQL Aggregates
Group By and Having Clause
Concept of Joining Tables
Requirement for Joining Tables
Creating Join Tables
Inserting Customer Value
Three or Four Table Joins
Additional Join
One to Many Joins
Concept of Self Joins
Concept of Referential Integrity
Numbering Rows
Creating Functions for Sequences
Combining Selects
Understanding Subqueries
Executing Subqueries
Update with FROM Clause
Creating Tables using Select
Concept of Performance
Understanding PostgreSQL