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  • Reading time:6 mins read

Master different concepts of Tensorflow with a step-by-step and project-based approach

What you will learn

The Basics of Tensors and Variables with Tensorflow

Basics of Tensorflow and training neural networks with TensorFlow

Convolutional Neural Networks

Building more advanced Tensorflow models with Functional API, Model Subclassing and Custom Layers


Tensorflow is Google’s library for deep learning and artificial intelligence. Deep Learning has been responsible for some amazing achievements recently, such as:

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  • Generating beautiful, photo-realistic images of people and things that never existed (GANs)
  • Beating world champions in the strategy game Go, and complex video games like CS:GO and Dota 2 (Deep Reinforcement Learning)
  • Self-driving cars (Computer Vision)
  • Speech recognition (e.g. Siri) and machine translation (Natural Language Processing)
  • Even creating videos of people doing and saying things they never did (DeepFakes – a potentially nefarious application of deep learning)

Tensorflow is the world’s most popular library for deep learning, and it’s built by Google, whose parent Alphabet recently became the most cash-rich company in the world (just a few days before I wrote this). It is the library of choice for many companies doing AI and machine learning. In other words, if you want to do deep learning, you gotta know Tensorflow. Deep Learning is one of the most popular fields in computer science today. It has applications in many and very varied domains. With the publishing of much more efficient deep learning models in the early 2010s, we have seen a great improvement in the state of the art in domains like Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Image Generation, and Signal Processing. The demand for Deep Learning engineers is skyrocketing and experts in this field are highly paid, because of their value. However, getting started in this field isn’t easy. There’s so much information out there, much of which is outdated and many times don’t take the beginners into consideration. In this course, we shall take you on an amazing journey in which you’ll master different concepts with a step-by-step and project-based approach. You shall be using Tensorflow (the world’s most popular library for deep learning, and built by Google).



Deep Learning: Neural Networks with TensorFlow

Overview of DLUT
Scenario of Perceptron
Creating Neural Network Using TensorFlow
Perform Multiclass Classification
Initializing the Model
Initializing the Model Continued
Image Processing Using CNN
Convolution Intuition
Classifying the Photos of Dogs and Cats
Deep Learning Neural Networks and its Layers
Listing Directories
Import Image Data Generator
Advance Concept of Transfer Learning Part 1
Advance Concept of Transfer Learning Part 2
Advance Concept of Transfer Learning Part 3

Project On Tensorflow: Face Mask Detection Application

Introduction to Project
Package Installation
Load Data Pretrained Mode
Train Model Fit Model
Load Save Model
Function to Predict
Final Result

Project on Tensorflow – Implementing Linear Model with Python

Introduction to Tensorflow with Python
Installation of Tensorflow
Basic Data Types for Tensorflow
Implementing Simple Linear Model
Creating a Python File
Optimization of Variable
Implementing the Constructor Variable
Printing the Variable Result
Naming the Variable

Deep Learning: Automatic Image Captioning For Social Media With Tensorflow

Introduction to Course
Import the Libraries
Accessing the Caption Dataset for Training
Accessing the Image DataSet for Trainingb
Preprocessing the Text Data
Pre-Process and Load Captions Data
Loading the Captions for Training and Test Data
Preprocessing of Image Data
Loading Features for Train and Test Dataset
Text Tokenization and Sequence Text
Data Generators
Define the Model
Evaluation of Model
Test the Model
Create Streamlit App
Streamlit Prediction
Test Streamlit App
Deploy Streamlit on AWS EC2 Instance