WD Gann: Lunar Nodes Cycles / Rahu Ketu / 18.6 Year Cycles
WD Gann: Lunar Nodes Cycles / Rahu Ketu / 18.6 Year Cycles / Ascending Nodes – Descending Nodes/ Lunar North South Nodes

What you will learn

Rahu – Ketu 18.6 Years Cycle: Lunar Nodes / Ascending – Descending Nodes/ North – South Nodes

WD Gann 18.6 Years Financial Time Table

WD Gann Trading Techniques (one method)

Accurate Results for Trading in Stock Market as per Time Cycles

Astrology / Lunar Cycles


WD Gann:

Lunar Nodes Cycles / Or

Rahu – Ketu 18.6 Year Cycles / Or

Ascending Nodes – Descending Nodes/ Or

Lunar North – South Nodes

We have considered a Financial Time Table prepared by WD Gann in 1909 (attached) to correlate the findings by WD Gann and how important they are.

We find the Cycles given in the Financial Time table matches with Dow Jones (DJIA) for last 120 Years and the major lows are as per the Financial time table in

We had a Major Low in 1895,

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We had a Major Low in 1914

We had a Major major Low in 1932 (Great Depression), this Low was also predicted by WD Gann in his book, the Tunnel Thru The Air, written in 1927 and could predict the Low 5 years well in advance

The Market was at a High on approx 400 points and it did fall down ti approx 40 levels, it was a 90% fall in 2 years, one of the greatest fall in Market History in 1932  also called as the Great Depression

We had a in Major Low in 1951

We had a Major Low in 1969

We had aMajor  Low in 1988 &

We had a Major major Low in 2008 (Financial Crisis)



Rahu Ketu Lunar cycles

Rahu – Ketu / Lunar Cycles / Lunar (North) Nodes / Ascending – Descending Cycles
Introduction about the Instructor

Theory: Rahu – Ketu / Lunar Cycles / Lunar (North) / Ascending- Descending Nodes

Rahu – Ketu / Lunar Cycles / Lunar (North) / Ascending- Descending Nodes

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