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Java Certification Course with Interview Questions
A course on Java for complete beginners to computer programming. Become a confident industry ready core Java developer

What you will learn

Go from zero to hero in Java programs

Learn Object Oriented Programming with Java; hands-on with exercises

Pass your Java Interview with flying colors. Learn all skills to demonstrate expertise with Java Programming

Be prepared to take the Java Certification Exam


Java is a programming language that can be built once and run anywhere. It is platform-independent and easily portable. Java can be used to develop web applications, standalone GUI applications and complex large-scale distributed applications to enable the resolution of complex solutions more easily. Java is an object-oriented Programming Language and functional features have been added in the recently released Java versions.

Java was developed and is being maintained by Oracle Corporation. It is a general-purpose programming language which has concurrent and multi-threading programming features. Java is safe, static and strongly typed programming language. Java has a special runtime environment called JRE which provided an execution environment instances called Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to enable the running of Java applications as Java bytecodes (conversion of high-level code to machine level code). The theme of the Java application development is Write Once and Run Anywhere while developing applications. It is most popular in client-server application development. It is licensed under GNU General Public License and is being supported by Java Community Process.

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Java has multiple functional programming features such as Java Stream API, Java IO enhancements, Java Time API, Lambda Expressions, Functional Interfaces, Concurrency, and Java Collection Framework API improvements. Java has several cores and advanced features where the core language features include several APIs and concurrency enabled features, Java Collection Framework API and advanced features such as several Java EE (Enterprise Edition) Specifications such as Java Servlet, JSP (Java Server Pages) technology, JSF (Java Servlet Faces), JPA (Java Persistence API), JAX-WS, JAX-RS standard specifications for web services API standards. Welcome to Master Practical Java Development. This course is designed to help you master the most in-demand and critical components for becoming a Core Java developer. Especially if you’re going for a job interview or have a Java Project that needs your best performance. This course assumes no prior java experience so prior Java so it will take you from zero to hero. The topics covered include Object Orientation which I think is not stressed enough in other Java courses so I’ve got special focus on that throughout the lectures. You’ll get plenty of practice writing classes and interfaces as well as countless methods with loops and if else statements, exception handling and file processing as well as how to debug software using Eclipse. You’ll also be mastering the collections framework and diving deep into java generics. You’ll learn all there is to know about multi-threading and the JDBC API for working with a MySQL database. There are also practical projects scattered throughout the course so that you can practice the concepts as you learn them.



Java Programming 2023

Introduction to Java
Installation of Java
Basic Program in Java
Taking Input and Operators
More on Operators
Working on Forms and Controls in Netbeans
If Conditions
Working on Loops
Working on Java Forms
Working on Methods
Method Overloading
Method Overriding
Working on Methods in Netbeans Form
Abstract Classes
Creating Interfaces in Java
Creating Sample Notepad in Netbeans
Access Modifiers in Java
Encapsulation in Java
Working on Dictionaries in Java
Wrapper Classes in Java
Wrapper to Primitive Type
Working on Math Library
Working on Netbeans A Simple Project
Call By Value Example
Call By Reference Example
Example on Comparing String
Exception Handling in Java
Working on Directories
Writing in Files Using Java
Working on Awt
Working on Swing
Working on Swing Continued
Atm Machine Example
Another Atm Machine Example
Making Atm Machine Example in Netbeans
Snake Game Part 1
Snake Game Part 2
Snake Game Part 3
Login page Example Part 1
Login page Example Part 2
Creating Database and Viewing Data on Java
Inserting Updating and Deleting Data from Database Using Java
Creating Login Page Example Part 1
Creating Login Page Example Part 2
Creating Login Page Example Part 3
Attendance Management System Part 1
Attendance Management System Part 2
Attendance Management System Part 3
Attendance Management System Part 4
Attendance Management System Part 5
Employee Management System Part 1
Employee Management System Part 2
Employee Management System Part 3
Employee Management System Part 4

Advanced Java 2023

What is Aggregation
Inheritance VS Aggregation
Demo Program
Demo Program Continued
What is Generics
Demo on Generics
Demo on Generics Continued
What is Collection
Collection Hierarchy
ArrayList Demo
ArrayList Demo Continued
LinkedList Demo
Vector and Stack Demo
PriorityQueue and ArrayDequeDemo
HashSet and TreeSet Demo
HashMap Demo
Hashtable and TreeMap Demo
Comparable Interface Demo
Comparator interface
Hierarchy of File System
Demo on File Class
Demo on FileWriter and FileReader Class
Demo on FileOutputStream and FileInputStream Class
Demo on DataInputStream and DataOutputStream Class
What is Serialization
Demo on Serialization
Demo on Deserialization
Demo on Traisent Keyword in Serialization

Interview Question For Java Full Stack Developer

Front-End Technology Part 1
Front-End Technology Part 2
Front-End Technology Part 3
Front-End Technology Part 4
Front-End Technology Part 5
Question on Database
Question on Database Continue
Question on Advance Java Part 1
Question on Advance Java Part 2
Question on Advance Java Part 3
Questions on JPA
Questions on Hibernate
Questions on Spring
Questions on Spring MVC
Questions on Spring MVC Continue
Questions on Spring Boot
More Questions on Framework
Questions on Angular
Questions on TypeScript
More Questions on Advance Front-End
Questions on Selenium
Questions on Junit
More Questions on Testing