• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Essential English Grammar and Communication Skills for IELTS and Mastering English as a Second Language

What you will learn



I will help you Master English so you can Discover the World!


Start speaking with correct grammar and pronunciation, not just as a student or learner but as an Explorer.


Improve your English listening skills by listening to a native speaker.


Help you think in English.


Learn from common mistakes.


Take part in my ‘Master 1 New Word’ challenge.




My course will help you to Master English and Discover the World.

For every 1 new word you master in English, that is 7 new sentences you can make.


Have you ever had a problem where you don’t know what staking is? What an ASIC is? What the Howey Test is and why it is important? Do you understand what a block explorer is? How does Tokenize mean and how does it change things?


Then, this course was made for you! Enroll now if you want to take your English to the next level and to join the team of Explorers!


You will learn:

  1. Learn 60 important words to expand your vocabulary and understand this new industry.

  2. Recognise some useful words in finance and for the markets too.

  3. Not financial advice – I am just explaining what the keywords mean from a basic angle, not too technical.

  4. They are in no particular order.

  5. Begin to scratch the surface of this whole new culture and world.


With my whiteboard and marker pens, I will teach you how to Master them and other important grammar rules too, such as:

  • Staking

  • Using your tokens to take part in the proof of stake abilities on a blockchain and get rewards by helping to process transactions for the blockchain.


  • Proof of Stake

  • The way a blockchain makes new blocks by different rules, whether randomly or by the age of staked coins.


  • Delegated Proof of Stake

  • Like proof of stake but you give your staked coins to a validator to host them and help verify the blockchain for you.


We will explore English together as I show you mistakes and broaden the topics to go beyond just the lesson objectives.


If you could speak to anyone in English. What would you talk about?

If you are new or need a reminder, there is no simple way to learn English – fast.


With my course you are not just another learner, not just another student – you are an English Explorer.

Get Instant Notification of New Courses on our Telegram channel.

Note➛ Make sure your 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart has only this course you're going to enroll it now, Remove all other courses from the 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart before Enrolling!

With my course you will not just learn English – you will master it.

With my course you will be challenged, your comfort zone stretched and pushed to new limits.


What if you could work on your passion in English?

What if you could achieve your life’s goals in English?

What if you could leave your mark on history in English?


Enroll now, if you want to Master English!

Enroll now, if want to Discover the World!

Enroll now, if you are ready to be more than a student or learner, but an Explorer!


Enroll to my course ONLY if you are ready and willing to start…


Let’s keep exploring!



TESOL Certified English Teacher and your Lead Language Explorer

Master English, Discover the World! Which word will you master next?





Staking, Proof of Stake, Delegated Proof of Stake
Who am I?
My Master 1 New Word Challenge
Lesson Objectives
Staking, Proof of Stake, Delegated Proof of Stake
ASIC, Airdrop, Anti-fragile
Block Explorer, Block reward, Genesis-Block
Howey Test, Halving, Hard Cap
Cloud mining, Instamine, Atomic Swap
Confirmation, Unconfirmed Difficulty Adjustment
Proof of development, Proof of Replication, Proof of Spacetime
A Quick Note
Protocol, Network, Nonce
Testnet, Mainnet, Merkle Tree
Tokenize, Token Swap, Utility Token
Tokenize, Token Swap, Utility Token
Dust Transactions, Dusting Attack, Virgin Bitcoin
BTD, Yield farming, Mnemonic Phrase
Taint, Timestamp, Vaporware
Ledger, Attestation Ledger, Bug Bounty
Sats, Hosted Wallet, Microtransactions
Lambo, Moon, Sharding
IPF, Chain of Custody, Trustless
A Quick Reminder
Zeppelin, Tokenomics, Governance
Chain Linking, Frictionless, Oracle
Liquid Democracy, Serialization, Slashing condition
Bonus Lecture