• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Intro to Business • Starting A Business • Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship vs Small Business • What It Takes To Get Things Rolling

What you will learn

The difference between “Entrepreneurship” and “Small Business Ownership”

The different areas and tasks to consider and “think out” before starting a business

The components of a successful Business Plan for both organizing at startup and explaining it to others

The single-most important tool for preparing to start up a new business, regardless of what step they are in the process

The most used resources of FREE information in the United States for assistance and gaining in-depth lessons and assistance for start ups.

The official US Small Business Administration’s 10 Step Checklist to starting a new business


In this course, we use everyday, easy-to-understand language to explain the concepts and planning that goes into starting a new business.

While this course uses United States information as examples, the information and principles included apply to almost every country in the world.

Successful students will learn the difference between being an entrepreneur and a small business owner (as well as the overlaps between the two); they will also dig into the core concepts on how to address decisions necessary for planning, developing, and getting a new business off the ground.

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Throughout the entire course, quizzes and actual working “homework assignments” are used to reinforce the lessons as well as help the student understand what they are grasping or needing to restudy.

Some of the many areas covered in the course include:

  • What is an Entrepreneur (and what isn’t it?)  What are the different types?
  • Why is a Business Plan so important to getting a new company started?  How are Business Plans developed, prepared, and used?
  • Where does money come from to get a new business venture going?  How to determine if there is a “market need” for your product/service.
  • How should the ownership of a business be structured?
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of being a small-business owner

    MANY other lessons are included such as:

  • Specifically what should (and shouldn’t) be included in a Business Plan?
  • What resources are available to help new business owners get off the ground?
  • What is the SBA (Small Business Administration) and what’s the purpose of Chambers of Commerce?

NOTE:  This is one mini-course included in the Introduction to Business: Volume 1 series.  It is a completely stand-alone course with no prerequisites to understand the content.  However, all the separate courses combined provide a comprehensive understanding of introductory business concepts equivalent to a 16-week, 3-credit hour, college course.



Course Intro

Overview of the Course and Series
Tips for the Experience

Entrepreneurship vs Small Business

What’s the Difference?
What this course will do…
The Chicken or the Egg?
Business Plan – What Is It? And Why?
Business Plan – What’s In It?
Quiz – Section 2

Developing “The Plan”

What’s “The Plan”
#1 Executive Summary / #2 Business Description
#3 Industry Analysis & Market Strategies
#4 Competitive Analysis
#5 Marketing Plan
#6 Operations and Management Plan
#7 Financial Analysis – Part 1
#7 Financial Analysis – Part 2
Quiz – Section 3

“Starting” A Business

Let’s Talk Money First
Market Need?
What type of Ownership?
Quiz – Section 4

What’s Right For You?

Some Personal Perspective
Some General Info
Different Approaches
Quiz – Section 5

Resources For Start Ups

SBA – Small Business Administration
10 Steps To Start Your Business

Wrap Up

BONUS: Now What?