Pain relief relaxation

What you will learn

You will learn how to relieve stress and anxiety

You will learn how to boost energy levels

You will learn a treatment which you can do on yourself aswell as others

You will learn how to help relieve specific ailments


Do you want to learn a treatment that you can do on yourself and other people? Hand reflexology is great for pain relief, releasing blockages, lifting your mood and balancing your body.

Hand reflexology works on reflexes which correspond with the organs in your body. You can get to your stomach, intestines, knee, spine and a while lot of other organs.

This great treatment can be used for menopause and menstrual symptoms.

It can relieve pain, reduce stress and anxiety, boosts energy levels, improves circulation and the lymphatic system and helps to improve the immune system.

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So, if you know anyone suffering from stress and anxiety or insomnia, then this treatment can help them.Β  If you are suffering fromΒ  any ailments that you think you can benefit from this treatment, then you can do this great treatment on yourself.Β  It’s brilliant fir self care and to top up your immune system if you are feeling low.

Reflexology can also be done on the feet and the face.Β  I perform treatments daily on the feet which help clients when they are suffering from pain such as arthritis or an area that you can’t directly touch.

Clients leave feeling boosted and relieved of stress.




What is reflexology?
The benefits
When reflexology is not suitable
Preparing for a treatment

Techniques for reflexology


Hand reflexology for specific ailments

Nine specific ailments
Five specific ailments
A few extra ailments
The map of the hand