• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Become a Linux System Administrator Level 1 and 2, System Engineer Or perhaps you’re interested in Cloud and DevOps jobs

What you will learn

You will learn how to install and manage packages in RPM-based operating systems such as CentOS and RHEL, as well as Debian-based OS such as Ubuntu and Debian

You will learn the best practices for patching a Linux server.

You will learn and practice on popular operating systems such as RPM OS, Debian OS, and AWS Cloud.

You will learn how to manage disk management for LVM (Logical Volume Management).

You will learn how to manage networking using NetworkManager ( nmcli ) and file-based configurations

How to use Linux command line tools to navigate the file system and manage files and directories

How to manage user accounts and groups, configure network settings, and install and manage software packages

System administration skills such as setting up and configuring services, managing processes, and monitoring system performance

Troubleshooting methodologies and tools, and how to identify and resolve common Linux issues such as network connectivity problems, file system errors

You will learn how to share directories for NFS (Network File System) in both RPM-based operating as well as Debian-based operating systems


Linux is a powerful, open-source operating system that has become an integral part of modern computing. As a result, Linux system administration is a highly valuable skill for IT professionals and organizations alike. This course is designed for beginners who want to learn how to effectively administer and troubleshoot Linux systems.

The course begins with an introduction to Linux and its history, followed by an overview of the Linux file system and basic commands. You’ll then learn how to manage users and groups, configure network settings, and install and manage software packages.

As you progress through the course, you’ll gain practical skills in system administration, such as setting up and configuring services, managing processes, and monitoring system performance. You’ll also learn how to automate tasks using shell scripting and perform system backups and restore data in case of a disaster.

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In addition, you’ll learn how to troubleshoot common Linux issues, such as network connectivity problems, file system errors, and package installation failures. You’ll explore troubleshooting methodologies and tools, and learn how to identify and resolve issues in a timely manner.

Throughout the course, you will learn skill that allow you to practice the skills you’ve learned in a safe, sandboxed environment. You’ll also have the opportunity to work on a project that demonstrates your understanding of Linux system administration and troubleshooting.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of Linux system administration and troubleshooting, and be well-equipped to manage Linux systems in a professional setting. Whether you’re interested in pursuing a career as a Linux system administrator or simply want to enhance your IT skills, this course is an excellent starting point.




How to use Udemy Platform

Setup the LAB

LAB Overview
Download Osboxes and VirtualBox
Install VM fresh
Fix the IP Address
Downloading Ubuntu
Setup SSH in Ubuntu


Connections via SSH
Transfer or receive files

Infrastructure and Application High Level

Infrastructure of Data Center
Application Staging

Essentials Command

Shell Terminals
File System Hierarchy
Pipeline Concept
Essentials Command Overview
Essentials Command Part 01
Essentials Command Part 02
Essentials Command Part 03 ( grep )
Essentials Command Part 04
Text Editor
Redirection Operators


Permission Overview
Change Permission Part 01
Change Permission Part 02
Change Ownership demo

Managing Running Processes

Managing Running Processes

User Management

Groups and Users Overview
Create a user and Groups

Manage Services

Manage Services
Create a new services


NIC Interface overview
Network Manager Part 01
Network Manager Part 02
DNS ( Domain Name System ) Overview
DNS Demo
Ports Overview
Firewall Commands

Disk Management

Before LVM
Overview on LVM
Create LVM Disk
Extend the Logical Volume
Extend the Volume Group
Move the disk from server to another server Overview
Move the disk from server to another server Demo

Package Installation

Package Overivew
DEB Base


Steps Before Patching
Patching your Server

Sharing Directory

NFS Overview
NFS Demo on RPM Base ( Redhat / CentOS )
NFS Demo on DEB Base ( Ubuntu )

Cron Job

Cron Job Overview
Cron Job Demo

NTP and Timing sync

Why we need NTP
Setup NTP and Sync the Timing

Cloud AWS

Register on AWS
Add User in AWS
Launch Instances in AWS

What Next!!!

What Next!!!