A pathway to success for high school teachers
What you will learn
This course will furnish you with an expert understanding of lesson planning and provide practical routes to make you a champion teacher.
You will become a cartographer of learning and explore the rationale behind why we need to map and how we make decisions about what hits the cutting room floor.
You will develop your understanding of inquiry units, assessment, and how to generate dynamic lesson titles.
We will review the importance of planning documents, how to craft aims and objectives, and break down the four-part lesson.
The course consists of 1 hour 15 minutes of mini-lectures with reflection tasks and is designed to be delivered in school INSET or as private CPD.
Practical examples and accompanying templates coupled with the latest Edutheory from Salles, Robinson, Nottingham, Beere, Lemov and lots more.
H.E.L.P. needed?Β No problem! This course on highly effective lesson planning will train you to be a habitually fabulous teacher. There is a a focus on bigger picture planning and you will develop an rationale behind what should be on a given curriculum. Additionally, you will gain an expert understanding of the student learning journey and of lesson inquiries. You will learn how to fashion aims and objective, the importance of modelling, as well as gaining an understanding into the power of lesson titles as hooks in their own right. There will also be expert guidance on how to craft the four-part lesson with a peppering of real-world example as well as the latest in Eduresearch. Planning has been described by Dominic Salles as “the most misunderstood skill in schools” but this course will teach you that getting it right from the beginning is what creates teachers who make teaching and learning look easy. You will become a cartographer of learning with an appreciation of typicality and one for whom learning has a clear and well-defined destination. You will learn that a well-designed curriculum is truly a masterpiece and will create opportunities for your students which allow for curiosity, creativity, criticism, communication, collaboration, compassion, composure, and citizenship (Robinson). You will also become an expert in teasing out EQs (essential questions). This course will also discuss what makes a meaningful planning proforma and will explain the meaning of the four-part lesson as well as concepts such as the learning pit and desirable difficulty. Everything begins at the planning stage. Sign up now and this course will help you better map out a meaningful curriculum for your students which will turn you into a champion teacher.