2 Course in 1. Learn the Fundamentals of The Go Programming Language & Go Recipes.

What you will learn

Learn the fundamentals of Go and syntax.

Go Recipes

Learn Go functions, types, conditionals, and loops.

Understand Object-oriented programming with Go.

Learn Concurrent programming with channels.

Learn about connectivity features for networking with APIs and databases.


Welcome to this two part course on learning Go, the programming language from Google. In this 2 part course we’ll go over the fundamentals of Go and then get into Go Recipes.

We’ll start things off with the fundamentals of Go. We’ll cover most of the language and learn many of the concepts that underlie this programming language.

In course two, we get into more advance topics. You’ll be introduced to Golang Recipes. Which shows examples of how the Go programming language can be used

We’ll walk you through common Go projects with “recipes,” or step-by-step instructions. We’ll go over some basics, such as Go slices, maps, error handling, and panic recovery.

We’ll then get into how to measure, format, parse, and convert time in Go. We’ll go over ways you can work with text in Go. Then demonstrate using structs, methods, and interfaces to improve your code.

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We’ll discuss working with JSON and HTTP, then concludes by describing the benefits of bringing concurrent instructions to your apps.

Go – also known as Golang – is an open source programming language developed by Google in 2007.Β  Go makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.

Go is a programming language with modern features, clean syntax and a robust well-documented common library, making it an ideal programming language to learn. Go can be used for anything, meaning developers who learn Go can use it wherever they want.

Quite a few large companies are starting to make the switch over to Go and there are many that already use it for parts of their backend software. Some companies that use Go are: Facebook, Google, Github, 99designs and many more.

This is a great course to jumpstart your learning journey with Go, whether you want to learn it for personal or professional reasons.Β  This course touches on all of the basics so that you will have good understanding of the Go programming language.




Go Time

Go Core Concepts

Getting started
Slices and maps

Beyond Baics

Understanding Structs
Package errors
Panic function


Select function

Project Management

Imports and manage requirements


HTTP Calls
GitHub HTTP server

