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All six domains of isc2 ccsp certification in mock practice set per AUG 2022- details explaination included

What you will learn

CCSP certification will help advance your career

All CCSP 6 domain has covered

Understand the architecture of the cloud, from the customer and provider perspectives.

Be able to discuss the shared responsibility model and answer in exam.


Welcome to ISC2 CCSP: Certified Cloud Security Professional Mock Practice Set PerAug 2022 – with details explaination included and reference links.

Benefits of Becoming a Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)

  • You’ll understand regulatory frameworks
  • ISC2 CCSP certification will help advance your career
  • You’ll learn how to problem-solve specific situations
  • Earning potential will rise with high salary
  • CCSP is complementary to vendor-specific certifications
  • Gain automatic respect in interview
  • People will view you as an expert

CCSP certification qualifications

Are you interested in getting this valuable credential? Curious to know if you qualify for the exam?

The CCSP certification is an advanced certification for experienced information security professionals, but cloud experience isn’t a requirement. However, candidates must have a minimum of five years’ cumulative, paid work under their belt in the area of IT, with three of those years in information security.

If you don’t completely qualify, you can still take the exam. However, after you pass, you will become an Associate of (ISC)² and will need to complete the remainder of your qualifications in a certain period of time.

The CCSP exam covers the following six domains:

Domains                                                                                 Average Weight

1. Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design                   17%
2. Cloud Data Security                                                          20%

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3. Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security                     17%

4. Cloud Application Security                                              17%

5. Cloud Security Operations                                               16%

6. Legal, Risk and Compliance                                             13%

The exam is challenging, so it’s recommended to go through all the question and details links.

CCSP Examination Information – Aug 2023 Syllabus

Length of exam                          4 hours

Number of items                       150

Item format                                  Multiple choice
Passing grade                              700 out of 1000 points

These exams are time-limited exactly like the real exam to make you stronger in solving the exam 4 times instead of one time. To make you able to solve the real exam the first time you enter.
