• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Master SQL for Job Interview Preparation, Data Analysis and Data Science

What you will learn

Use of SQL in data science

Understanding the databases

Querying a database to create the table

Aggregating the data using count, min etc. functions

Different joins in SQL

Inserting, updating and deleting


This SQL for data science course will introduce you to concepts of Structured Query Language (SQL), Databases, DBMS, etc. with practical demonstrations, so that you not only understand the concepts but also master it practically.

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The course is designed for beginners to SQL and database management systems. This SQL for Data Science course will help you understand how SQL can be used to store, access and retrieve data to perform data analysis.

It is becoming ever more important that companies make data-driven decisions.

With big data and data science on the rise, we have more data than we know what to do with.

One of the basic languages of data analytics is SQL, which is used for many popular databases including MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and even big data solutions like Hive and Cassandra.

Iā€™m going to let you in on a little secret. Most high-level marketers and product managers at big tech companies know how to manipulate data to gain important insights. No longer do you have to wait around the entire day for some software engineer to answer your questions – now you can find the answers directly, by yourself, using SQL!

Topics covered in this course:

  • What is a Database
  • Installing Postgres
  • Creating Tables
  • SELECT Statement
  • WHERE Clause
  • AND & OR
  • Filtering Operators
  • Renaming Columns
  • Functions
  • GROUP BY & HAVING Clauses
  • Aggregation Queries
  • Subqueries
  • CASE Clause
  • Correlated Subqueries
  • Table Joins
  • INNER and OUTER Joins


What is SQL, pros, cons, uses etc.
What is Database and RDBMS?
DML commands
Select, Insert, Update and delete
DDL commands
Create, alter and delete
Drop, comment and rename
DCL commmands
TCL commands
DQL commands
SQL clauses and keywords
where, between and not between
in and not in
order by, group by and having clause
Correct procedure for writing the sql queries
Part 1
Part 2
Setting and downloading SQL
SQL download
Practical implementation of the queries
Creating the database
Create, drop and show
show database and creating the table
Insert and select statements
Condition with select statement
Distinct, all and where clause
Renaming the table
order by and putting the conditions
group by and putting conditions
More SQL queries
Keys in SQL
different keys
different keys(cont)
Joins in SQL
types of joins
left and right join
Full join in SQL
Constraints in SQL
constraints in SQL
Constraints in SQL (cont)
Aggregate functions
Aggregate function in SQL
Aggregate function in SQL (cont.)
case statement in SQL
Sample query on case-switch
Correlated subqueries
Nested subqueries vs correlated subqueries