• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Sorting and searching algorithms. Merge sort, quick sort, selection sort, insertion sort, bubble sort ,etc.

What you will learn


Learn 9 top most sorting algorithms through live animation


Learn 2 top most searching algorithms through live animation


Learn step by step via illustration


Develope analytical skills by turning complexity into simplicity


In this course, you will learn about the most popular sorting and searching algorithms through live animation. When you want to sort an array, you need to use sorting algorithms, or in other words, you need to put elements in a specific order, and when you want to find a specific element within an array, you must use a searching algorithm. My goal is to turn complexity into simplicity. This course is supported by illustrations and live animation. Necessary details for sorting an array or searching an element are discussed. Implementation is easy, and I have tried my best to simplify that. This course covers heap sort, quick sort, merge sort, selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, bucket sort, counting sort, radix sort, linear search, and binary search. This course is provided for anyone who is interested in algorithms. The main programming language is based on Python. However, very basic knowledge about programming skills is required. All lectures are discussed from scratch, and don’t be afraid if you think your knowledge is not enough for this lecture. In fact, both implementation and illustrations are discussed in a simple manner. I hope you enjoy this course. Do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

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Binary Search

Binary Search (Introduction, Example)
Binary Search (Example, Implementation)

Linear Search

Linear Search (Introduction, Example)
Linear Search (Example, Implementation)

Heap Sort

Heap Sort (Introduction, Example, Implementation)

Quick Sort

Quick Sort (Introduction, Example, Implementation)

Merge Sort

Merge Sort – Part 1 – (Introduction, Example, Implementation)
Merge Sort – Part 2 (Example, Implementation)

Bubble Sort

Bubble Sort (Introduction, Example, Implementation)

Selection Sort

Selection Sort (Introduction, Example, Implementation)

Insertion Sort

Insertion Sort (Introduction, Example, Implementation)

Counting Sort

Counting Sort (Introduction, Example)
Counting Sort (Example, Implementation)

Radix Sort

Radix Sort (Introduction, Example)
Radix Sort (Example, Implementation)

Bucket Sort

Bucket Sort (Introduction, Example, Implementation)