• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Getting started with Postman and Newman for Software Developers, Testers and DevOps

What you will learn

Test RESTful APIs with Postman

Test Postman collections from command line using Newman


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Postman is a great tool for testing APIs, which helps building APIs faster. If you are new to Postman, this course will help you to get started with the software and test your APIs in no time.

I have divided this course into several sections. I will start by showing the overview of Postman. Then I will discuss about sending API requests & responses. I will show how to manage APIs into collections and share with anyone. Then I will cover variables, environments & how to write test scripts. Also I will show you how to automate your testing with combination of all these tools & collection runner. Final topic will be showing you a complete testing workflow with Twitter API.




Postman Overview

API Testing with Postman

Sending API Requests
Understanding API responses
Manage APIs with Collections
Variables and Environments
Environment and Global Variables
Writing Test Scripts
Test Scripts
Collection Runner

Testing Workflow with Twitter API

Testing Automation

Run collection with Newman

Newman: Installation and Overview
Newman: Iterations & Delay Requests
Newman: Running a folder from a collection
Newman: Passing environment and global variables with command
Newman: Export reports and exit after first failed iteration