• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Methods of Regaining Sanity

What you will learn

Understand how psychosis differs from other psychological disorders. Learn about the various types of psychosis and the therapies for treating them.


Learn about what happens when people lose touch with reality and how to treat psychotic problems. Understand the five different patterns of schizophrenia and the best ways to help clients with the condition. Develop an understanding of the causes of the condition and the developmental patterns shown by age, social class and gender. Appreciate the psychotherapies that lead to the best possible outcomes. Put schizophrenia into perspective.

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What You will learn about Schizophrenia
Case Examples of Schizophrenia
Defining Psychotic Symptoms
Causes of Psychotic Problems
Environmental Stress and Psychosis
Best therapy for psychotic episodes
Other therapies for Psychosis
Conclusion and Review Exercises