Quit vaping today in only 2 hours WITHOUT withdrawal or ever craving nicotine again. We will remove your desire to vape.

What you will learn

Quit vaping easily, quickly and effortlessly!

ENJOY the process of quitting and feel great!

We’ll reprogram your brain so you don’t desire or crave nicotine ever!

You won’t gain weight using this method at all!

How to never relapse again!

Save hundreds of thousands of dollars and live a longer, better life!


I’m not a doctor, I’m not a pharmacist. I’m far more qualified to speak on this matter.

For 5 years of my life I was the most chronically addicted vaper you could imagine. My monthly expenses on vaping were over $500. It all started off with one puff, then I would start hanging out with people who had vapes more and more often, then eventually taking a plunge and buying my own, somehow still convincing myself that it was temporary.

I’ve tried every method to quit, from laser therapy, hypnosis, expensive seminars, books, sleep subliminal audio tapes, increasing my willpower with ice baths, isolating myself in a rural location with no way to buy a vape, dramatically destroying my vape. EVERYTHING – and none of it worked and I felt utterly hopeless, until I discovered exactly what you’re about to learn in this course.

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The key to my freedom was to mentally withdraw from nicotine – why do you crave nicotine in the first place? The reason anyone craves anything is because they perceive a pleasure or benefit of doing it. Mentally withdrawing from nicotine is the process of removing the desire in the first place. After I did this I was shocked at how easy quitting was, immediately after quitting I was faced with all sorts of opportunities to vape, but I wasn’t even tempted, people could vape in my face and I wouldn’t be tempted. I had no withdrawal symptoms, no cravings, and I literally ENJOYED the process of quitting.

This is exactly what you will learn how to do in this course, and I’m overjoyed for you.

I’ll see you in there.




Why You Vape
Understanding the Trap
Vaping Myths
New Beginnings

Unraveling the Combination

The Enjoyment Con
Power vs Force
The Improvement Con

Releasing Your Locks

More Myth Busting
The Truth

Achieving Freedom

Annihilating the Amygdala
Unshackling Yourself
Now That You’re Free (Congratulations)