• Post category:StudyBullet-6
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Make and publish hypercasual mobile games & apps for Android Play Store & iOS App Store using Unity and C# – Helix Jump

What you will learn

Unity 3D


Mobile Game Development

Hypercasual game


Build a simple mobile game using the free Unity game engine. Develop your own awesome mobile games and publish them on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

This course is not for absolute beginners. You’ll need a basic grasp of Unity and C# (understanding variables, methods, if statements, loops and other similar concepts) before you get started, so you’re ready for the more advanced concepts taught.

Why this course?

We as Flora team, are working to create professional online education lectures. We are trying to keep it as simple as possible. You’ll find the best practices for mobile game development.

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This course is created with both Windows and Mac users in mind, meaning you can get full benefit whether you are a windows or mac user. We’ll also walk you through deploying to both Android (Google) and iOS (Apple) by showing you how to set up your developer account and submit your game.

All students have access to the Q&A forums where our Instructors, Teaching Assistants and Community are ready to help answer your questions and cheer on your success.

Who this course is for:

  • Programmers – Developers
  • Game Designers
  • Game Studios
  • Who feels comfortable with another programming language and want to learn game development
  • Everyone interested in games, unity, and mobile game development


Hypercasual Game: Helix Jump

Create New Project
Import Resources
Create the First Game Object
Add Platform Object
Create Rings
Adjust the Rings
Create the Ball
Add Mesh Colliders
Platform Danger
Rotate the Cylinder with Mouse Event
Rotate the Cylinder with Mouse Event 2
C# Script for Ball
Level Design
Adjust Rotate Speed
Camera Follows Ball
Adjust the Camera
Detect Jumping Problem
Fix Jumping Problem
Implement onCollisionEnter
Check the Platform
Splash Effect
Create a Prefab
Detect Splash Problem
Solution (setParent)
Add Score
Create GameManager and Ring Scripts
Import GameManager Libraries
Game Manager Functions
Destroy Platforms with Code
Update Score
Complete the Game!