• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:6 mins read

What you will learn


Web Mapping


Data Transformation and Manipulation


Python and GeoDjango


Geospatial Machine Learning


Data Mapping and Visualization


Web GIS Programming


Welcome to the Machine Learning for Predictive Maps in Python and Leaflet course.

In this course we will be building a earthquake forecasting map application,

by using a variety of independent tools and then integrate them to produce a full stack web gis application.


We will be writing code in multiple programming languages, which gives us experience

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with different stacks of an application and different tools.


We will be covering various topics ranging from web gis, python programming, data analysis,

machine learning and geo data visualization. All of our development will be done on windows 10.


  • You will learn how to build a full stack web gis application

  • You will learn how to build predictive models

  • You will learn how to build a prediction engine that’s embedded in the application

  • You will learn how to build and automate a machine learning pipeline

  • You will learn how to use multiple basesmaps and layers

  • You will learn programming in leaflet.js

  • You will learn how to create REST API endpoints and call them with Ajax and JQUERY

  • You will learn how to use the Django template engine to pass data from the back-end to the front-end of the application

  • You will learn how to integrate a PostgreSQL database with Django

  • You will also learn how to visualize data on a map







Setup and Installations

Python Installation
Creating a Python Virtual Environment
Installing Django
Installing Visual Studio Code IDE
Installing PostgreSQL Database Server Part 1
Installing PostgreSQL Database Server Part 2

Writing the Django Server-Side Code

Adding the settings.py Code
Creating a Django Model
Adding the admin.py Code

Writing the Application Front-end Code

Creating Template Files
Creating Django Views
Creating URL Patterns for the REST API
Adding the index.html code
Adding the layout.html code
Creating our First Map
Adding Markers

Machine Learning

Installing Jupyter Notebook
Data Pre-processing
Model Selection
Model Evaluation and Building a Prediction Dataset

Automating the Machine Learning Pipeline

Creating a Django Model
Embedding the Machine Learning Pipeline in the Application
Creating a URL Endpoint for our Prediction Dataset

Leaflet Programming

Creating Multiple Basemaps
Creating the Marker Layer Group
Creating the Point Layer Group
Creating the Predicted Point Layer Group
Creating the Predicted High Risk Point Layer Group
Creating the Legend
Creating the Prediction Score Legend