Feel enjoy to review your knowledge about Python Language practically!?

What you will learn

Strengthen your programming skills

Get familiar to python language projects fields

Able to learn python language projects easily

Observe coding errors to avoid


There are many of courses and sources to learn python language, but the problem is shortage ofย  practices compared to the theoretical section.

( Review Python Practically) practices are more than videos. The practices include of guidlines to help the student to master the knowledge. Wasting time until you get boring is not our goal in this course, our goal is toย  think step by stepย  and point by point for ordering the knowledge in our brains gradually.

This course will cover :

  • Python Intro
  • Python preparation
  • Python statements
  • Python data types
  • Python Function
  • File

The codes in the practices are:

1) Codes without inputs

This means codes do not have input function, but have variables assigned to values or with print function

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2) Codes with inputs

This means codes have input function, and may have variables assigned to values or print function


1) The course have codes with (Error) resultย  when (Run) the code and that will help you to avoid the errors.

2)ย  (Input) in the practices will show you how the code operate depends on the inputs in each running time.

To the end of this course, you will have enough background baseย  to learn python projects easily. The projects you can do by python are many. I have mentioned several common projects in the course in the first section.



Python Overview

Python Language Intro
Web Development Projects
Data Science Projects

Python Preparations

Download Python
Install Python
Python Interpreter
Jupyter Notebook

Conditional statements

Lecture 1
Practice 1-1-1 (Conditional Statement Structures)
Practice 1-1-2 ((if) Statement)
Lecture 2
Practice 1-2-1 ((if-else) Statement)
Practice 1-2-2 ((if-else) Statement)
Practice 1-3-1 ((Nested if-else) statement)
Practice 1-3-2 ((Nested if-else) statement)
Practice 1-4-1 ((if-elif-else) Statement)
Practice 1-4-2 ((if-elif-else) Statement)
Practice 2 (Arithmetic Operators)
Practice 3 ( Comparison and Logical Operators )
Practice 4 ( Comparison and Logical Operators with Brackets )
Practice 5 ( Nested if-else Statement and Float Input)
Practice 6 ( if-elif-else Statement with Comparison and Logical Operators )

Looping Statements

Practice 1 (Looping Statements Structures)
Lecture 1
Practice 2 (while Looping with Conditional Statement)
Practice 3 (while Looping with Comparison and Logical Operators)
Practice 4 (while Statement with break)
Practice 5 (while Statement with continue)
Lecture 2
Practice 6 (for Statement)
Practice 7 (for Statement with range() Function)

String Data Type

Practice 1 (Basics 1)
Practice 2 ( Basics 2)
Lecture 1
Practice 3 (String Characters Accessing)
Lecture 2
Practice 4 ( String with Assigning)
Practice 5 (String Slicing)
Lecture 3
Practice 6 (String Methods and Functions 1)
Lecture 4
Practice 7 (String Methods and Functions 2)
Lecture 5
Practice 8 (String Methods and Functions 3)
Lecture 6
Practice 9 (String Methods and Functions 4)
Lecture 7
Practice 10 (String Methods and Functions 5)
Lecture 8

List Data Type

Lecture 1
Practice 1 (Basics)
Practice 2 (List Characters Accessing)
Practice 3 ( List with Assigning)
Practice 4 (List Slicing)
Practice 5 (List Methods and Functions 1)
Practice 6 (List Methods and Functions 2)
Practice 7 (List Methods and Functions 3)
Lecture 2
Practice 8 (List Methods and Functions 4)
Practice 9 (List Methods and Functions 5)
Practice 10 (List with Conditional and Looping Statements)

Tuple Data Type

Practice 1 (Basics)
Practice 2 (Tuple Characters Accessing)
Practice 3 ( Tuple with Assigning)
Practice 4 (Tuple Slicing)
Practice 5 (Tuple Methods and Functions 1)
Practice 6 (Tuple Methods and Functions 2)

Dictionary Data Type

Practice 1 (Basics)
Practice 2 (Dictionary Characters Accessing)
Practice 3 ( Dictionary with Assigning)
Practice 4 (Dictionary Methods and Functions 1)
Practice 5 (Dictionary Methods and Functions 2)
Lecture 1
Practice 6 (Dictionary Methods and Functions 3)
Practice 7 (Dictionary Methods and Functions 4)
Lecture 2
Practice 8 (Dictionary Statements and Methods)
Lecture 3


Practice 1 (Basics)
Lecture 1
Practice 2 (def Function with Conditional Statement)
Lecture 2
Practice 3 (def Function with Looping Statements)
Lecture 3
Practice 4 (def Function with List)
Practice 5 (def Function with Dictionary)


Read Mode (r)
Write Mode (w)