• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:6 mins read

What you will learn


List quick and easy strategies to make your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations more impactful


Identify WHAT to put into your presentation, and more importantly, what NOT to!


Define the M-N-N method of content inclusion


Express your presentation message using Microsoft PowerPoint in a more engaging and informative fashion


Public Speaking is said to be the number one fear people have above all else!


In business today, the ability to prepare professional presentations is vital.

From presenting results to colleagues, pitching to clients or sharing your wisdom at a conference, presenting to groups is now a part of everyday business.

This short program is perfect if you:

  • Present information to colleagues, clients or teams but can never work out what to put in a presentation or leave out

  • Know there must be a more effective method of putting a presentation together but don’t know where to start

  • Want to understand how to create more engaging presentations that deliver the message you need to get across

  • Want to know how to utilize some of the most common tool and features of Microsoft PowerPoint to make your presentations more impactful and engaging

  • How to better get your messages across to audiences

  • Want to “brush up” or refresh your Microsoft PowerPoint or Presentation Skills

  • Want to improve your presentations and/or presentation skills without wasting hours of time in generic classroom training programs.


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Most people present to groups irregularly, so when you learn skills, unless you use your new skills, you forget them.

As a corporate computer productivity speaker and trainer for over twenty years, I saw this regularly in the many face to face programs I delivered pre-COVID.  I have put together this program to help save YOU time, stress and frustration the next time you need to present.


This course contains all you need to know to create a simple and engaging Microsoft PowerPoint presentation as well as tips to presenting.

A must for anyone working in business!




Segment 1Introduction

Download the workbook before you start!

Segment 2 – Working out What to Put in Your Presentation

Segment 2 – Working out What to Put in Your Presentation Introduction
How Adults Learn
How to Build Your Presentation

Segment 3 – How to Put Your Presentation Together in Microsoft PowerPoint

Segment 3 – Introduction Putting Your Presentation Together in PowerPoint
How to Create a Presentation from a Microsoft Word outline
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Design Ideas
How to Make Your Presentation Consistent
How to Automate Presentations
How to Create PowerPoint Slides

Segment 4 – Preparing to Deliver your Presentation

Segment 4 – Introduction Preparing to Deliver your Presentation
Preparing to Present your PowerPoint Presentation

Segment 4a – Additional Microsoft PowerPoint Individual Topic Videos

Hiding Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
Duplicating Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
Slide Masters in Microsoft PowerPoint
Inserting Pictures in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
Inserting Audio in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
Inserting Video in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
Slide Transitions in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
Slide Animations in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

Segment 5 – Presentation Logistics

Presentation Logistics

Segment 6 – What’s Next?

What’s Next?