• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:8 mins read

What you will learn

The rules, principles and formulae for accumulating money

Why the wealthy are more prepared

The Law of Compensation

The 3 methods of earning money

The formula for wealth

How to provide a service

To rent not buy

Not to use credit cards

Earning money is a 2 part system

To live your life consuming services

Money is a tool

How to be a wealth builder

You can absorb the life’s work of others in only 1 book

Not to use money as a symbol of success

To change your point of view about money

To divide your money into separate bank accounts

The point of view of our instructors who earned £100,000s having the career of their dreams, to abandon it all choosing financial independence over employment!

How to strategically use your money, viewing it only as a tool (as if playing chess even) to earn more and live a happier more relaxed lifestyle


Our Goals

Our financial mindset course is your first step towards a full financial education hosted and taught by one of the worlds 1st iOS developers. A man who’s work not only has been published on the Apple website, books, magazines and radio, but has funded him to travel the world for 3 years. Our goals are to share his experience with you and provoke you into thinking a little differently.

The Students

Developers are a rare breed of rational, analytical and proactive people who regularly take ideas from conception beyond construction and into analyzing the results. With such incredible abilities one has to wonder why our own personal results don’t match that of the products created for our employers or clients.

The Results

With this course you will gain a strong focus on the design patterns, formula and natural laws governing both your income and your bank balance. The progressive learning curve of accumulating wealth will be demonstrated with both this and our future courses. We aim to take our students from basic financial education into building assets and even financial freedom utilizing MSI (multiple sources of income) from passive sources such as apps, online stores, YouTube channels or other digitally driven sources.

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The Instructor

Your instructor Matt:

  • has earned 6 figures

  • has generated millions in revenue

  • is the developer behind the 10 billionth downloaded app

  • is one of the worlds first iPhone app developers!

  • was invited to Apple Headquarters to work on a secret project

  • created the worlds first iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch Apps

  • has experience unprecedented to host a financial education course and he’s kindly agreed to dedicate a new chapter of his life to sharing his tried & tested experience with the masses. He agrees that this material should be taught at schools and made available to everyone.

  • was one of the very first human beings to design and build apps for smartphones. His work has been advertised on the Apple website, magazines, books and radio. He understands what life is like being an employee working 90 hr weeks and 18 hr days. He also understands how stable life can become when you have more money. Not to mention when you build machines that generate money for you.

  • is a specialist who earned millions for financial companies and decided to travel the world in search for happiness, adventure and financial freedom. He no longer works for money and is currently filming our courses to consolidate this information making it available to the public.


The course is 1.5 hours and we offer a 30 day money back guarantee



Free Preview Videos

My Personal Background
Why You Need This Class
Quick Answers: Formula For Wealth
Why Leave A £125,000 Salary?
Why Us?
What You Will Learn
Our Philosophy

Tips on Becoming Wealthy

Providing A Service
The Law Of Compensation
Earning Money Is A 2 Part System
The Formula For Wealth

The 3 Methods Of Earning Income

Method 1: Exchanging Time For Money
Method 2: Invest Money To Earn Money
Method 3: Invest Time Now To Earn Money Later

Focus On Building Your Biggest Asset: You

Your Brain Behaves Like A Muscle: Train It
The Wealthy Are More Prepared
One Book Can Change Your Life

Financial Tips Post Income

Credit Cards
Renting Vs Buying A House
A Life Consuming Services
Save 30%
Start When The Amounts Are Small

What Next?

Start A Journey Of Personal Development
Increase Your Awareness
Start Reading Books
More Courses Coming Soon