• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Learn Gradle features to build you Java apps with confident.

What you will learn

Gradle Fundamentals: Core concepts, features, and life cycle.

Groovy jump start to help you writing groovy script within Gradle build file.

Java Build Tools comparison: Why you need to switch to Gradle?

Build a Java project using Gradle

Dependency Management in Gradle

Dependency configurations such as (implementation, compileOnly,runtimeOnly) what they mean and what are the benefits?

Gradle Wrapper

Gradle Cache

Gradle Tasks: custom creation and execution flow

Live example on how to convert Spring boot project from Maven to Gradle.

How to use Gradle Daemon to speed up your build time.


                                                       Gradle Essential Training For Java Developers

In this course, I’ll equip you with the right knowledge you need to understand Gradle fundamentals and core concepts to build your Java-based apps in the right way.

Also, I’ll walk you through a comparison among Java build tools: Why you need to choose Gradle instead of Ant or Maven?

I’ll talk about Gradle key features that boost Gradle Performance: task output caching, Incremental build, and Parallel execution

I’ll introduce you to the Groovy language basics to help you write a custom Gradle build script.

I’ll build a Java project using Gradle and explain Gradle with real coding examples.

I’ll explain the Gradle lifecycle and Gradle wrapper in depth.

I’ll cover Gradle repositories, dependencies, and transitive dependencies.

I’ll talk about dependency configurations such as (Implementation, CompileOnly,runtimeOnly) what they mean and what are the benefits of using them?

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I’ll explain Gradle tasks how to use them and how to create custom tasks

Live example on how to convert Spring boot/java app from Maven to Gradle.

How to use Gradle Daemon to speed up your build time.

 All slides and codes included.

Thank you very much for tuning in and reading the course descreption; enjoy the ride and be well.




Gradle Jump-start
Difference Between Build and Deployment
Java Build Tools History
Switching From Maven To Gradle
Gradle Features
Gradle Installation
Slides And Codes
Gradle Introduction
Groovy Jump Start
Groovy Introduction
Groovy Installation
Groovy Basics (Demo)
Groovy Jump Start
Gradle In Action(The Esssentials)
Gradle’s Lify Cycle
Build Java Project With Gradle(Demo part 1: Java Plugin)
Build Java Project With Gradle(Demo part 2: Application Plugin & Properties)
Build Java Project With Gradle(Demo Part 3: Repositories & Dependencies)
Create Java Project With Gradle From The Get-go.
Gradle In Action
Gradle Wrapper
Gradle Wrapper In Nutshell
Gradle Wrapper
Dependency Management
Gradle Reositories And Cache
Grade Dependencies And Transitive Dependencies Management
Paramaterization In Gradle Build File.
Dependencies Configurations (Implementation, CompileOnly,runtimeOnly)
Dependency Management
Gradle Tasks (The Basics)
Custom Task Creation
Tasks Dependencies (dependsOn)
Custom Task Creation By Extending DefaulTask Class.
Gradle Tasks