• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:4 mins read

What you will learn


Remember everything you learn


Have total recall at the exam


Study in just 30 minutes a day


Scan a notebook – That’s it


WARNING: Many people poo-poo this idea when they first hear it. Make no mistake. This method, although simple, delivers incredible results.

Hi. My name is Ian Stables.

I discovered a very simple way of studying that gave me almost total recall at exam time.

Just over two hundred took a very difficult insurance exam. Only 10% passed. I Was One of Them.

Let me tell you, insurance was a very dry study subject indeed. I found it to be a real struggle to remember what I needed. Lots of dry facts, regulations, dates, and so on had to be remembered. I had to learn it. My employer had made it a requirement. My job depended on it.

I searched through all manner of study material. Searching for a method of study that would make it easier for me.

I came across a method that relied on computer software. I saw merit in it and found it to be very effective. However, despite its effectiveness, I also found it to be impractical.

After a lot of thought and testing, I came up with a practical way to use this method. All I needed was a small notepad, a certain way of imputing facts to be remembered, and an effective way to use it.

I used this method for twenty to thirty minutes, twice a day, while traveling.

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In this short course, I show you how to set up your study notepad and use it to its greatest effect.

Benefits of this study method:

— Almost total recall at the exam.

— No final revision required.

— Just twenty to thirty minutes, twice a day.

— No need to lug heavy textbooks with you. Just a notepad.

Let me show you a far easier way to study and pass your exams. Join now.




What Makes Remembering Easy

Introduction: How to Easily Remember Everything

The Method and How To Set It Up

The Method
You Must Set It Up This Way

Very Effective Methods

Simple Way To Research Faster
The Cluster Method: Remember Huge Lists Instantly
Conclusion: Things To Be Added
Bonus Lecture: Your other courses