The main aim of this course is to provide a wide understanding of building Web Service REST APIs with features details

What you will learn

Learn REST API Wamp with PHP, REST API Android Basic & UI design and Connection with HTTP using AsyncTask thread

Learn about Display Response data and Run Demo, REST API volley basics and UI design & Single class design for Volley

Learn StringRequest Using Volley and Run Demo, JsonObjectRequest Using Volley and Run Demo

Learn about JSONArrayRequest Using Volley and Run Demo and ImageLoader, ImageLoader Using Volley and Run Demo


This training is targeted to bring out a niche skill in our learners through series of premium courses in REST API’s which will enable them to bridge the gap currently prevailing in the current industry ask and available skill set.

Each of our courses has detailed objectives to fulfill, which we would go through in each of them separately. But here we would brief you about the objective of the entire training. Each of the courses in the training and their supporting courses fulfills the requirement of a learner to be the “best” API developer. All the courses blend in a way that ensures an unbreakable chain of knowledge and enables you to apply the learning in real-life problems.

Our courses go hand in hand with the current requirement in the industry as of date, and we update our listing with the latest technology in place. The methodologies learned during the online training will go a long way in understanding the intricacies of API development. So, let’s catch a glimpse of the course highlights:

  1. We would, as usual, start from scratch in the learning of REST API. The very first thing would be to learn about Flask, its installation, and intent, and then move on to write a minimal API and executing the same. Here we would go through some examples in making you understand the overall intent of API development so that any new type of API development that comes in for you should be a cakewalk.
  2. In the same portion, we would learn about and its arguments. Reqparsing helps in providing simple and uniform access to any variable object in Flask and learning about arguments teaches about the arguments re-parsing takes for successful execution.
  3. In the next set of tutorials on Android Web service, we would go through the learning phase of how REST APIs are used in android Apps. In this group of tutorials, we learn about WAMP, the UI design aspect of REST API, the basics of Volley, and many more.




Android Web Service REST APIs

Introduction to Web Service REST API



REST API Wamp with PHP

REST API Wamp with PHP Continues

REST API Android Basic

UI Design

Connection with HTTP using Async Task Thread

Display Response Data

Running Demo

REST API volley Basic

UI Design and Single Class Design for Volley

String Request Using Volley

String Request Using Volley Continues

Json Object Request Using Volley

Json Object Request Run Demo

JSON Array Request Using Volley

Run Demo and Image Loader

Image Loader Using Volley and Run Demo

Rest API with Flask and Python

Introduction and Installation of Flask

Writing Minimal API

Executing the API

EndPoints and Data Formatting

Overview on All the Examples

Overview on All the Examples Continues

Understanding Data Formatting

Arguments and Reqparsing

Request Parsing Inheritance

Creating Rest API with Golang and MongoDb

Intro to Goland Case Study

Running Docker Container

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Creating Mongo Client

Creating Mongo Client Continue

Database Using Postman

Database Using Postman Continue

Mongodb Using Postman

Person Data Using Id

Person Data Using Id Continue

Android Web service SOAP APIs

Introduction to Web service SOAP API


SOAP XML Basic Continues

Celsius To Fahrenheit Basic

SOAP Request & Response with HTTP

Convert demo to Fahrenheit To Celsius

UI design for Convert Weight

UI design for Convert Weight Continues

UI components validations

SOAP Request & Response settings

Running Convert Weight demo

Convert Weight and Convert Speed Demo

JavaMail API Training

Introduction and Architechture of JAVA Mail

SMTP Server and POP3 Introduction

JAVA mail API Specefication

Message and Structure Electronic Mail

Store and Floder in JAVA mail API

Transport And address

Authentication Send Email

Example of Send Email

System Properties

Example of POP3

IMAP Email Example

IMAP Email Example Continues

Flags in JavaMail


Message and Its Part

Email Content

Example of Email Content

Inline and Attachment