Become better at giving and receiving feedback in the workplace

What you will learn

Establish a framework for giving all kinds of feedback (SBI Model)

Identify WHERE, WHEN and HOW to give feedback

Develop a growth mindset associated with giving and receiving feedback

Reduce fear and anxiety associated with giving and receiving feedback


Have you ever been part of a feedback conversation that didn’t go very well? One that didn’t seem to have a purpose or plan? One that seemed grounded in critique instead of growth?

Yeah? Me too. The ability to give and receive feedback in an impactful, respectful, and truly helpful way is so important to being successful in our jobs, yet many people struggle with this fundamental skill.  Many people find it so difficult to give feedback that they avoid it entirely, and they are terrified of receiving feedback.  When feedback is avoided, however, bad behaviors are never corrected, workplace resentments grow, and people are left to wonder whether they’re doing a great job or a terrible job.

In this course, the Udemy L&D team shares some top tips on how to improve your experience with feedback, both giving it and receiving it!

In “Feedback is Fuel” you will:

  • Establish a framework for giving all kinds of feedback (SBI Model)
  • Identify WHERE, WHEN and HOW to give feedback
  • Develop a growth mindset associated with giving and receiving feedback
  • Reduce the fear and anxiety associated with giving and receiving feedback

In this course you will not only learn a framework for giving impactful affirmative and constructive feedback that people at all levels can use, you will practice having feedback conversations with real workplace scenarios and learn practical tips on how to receive feedback.  I’m thrilled to invite you to be a part of this engaging online training!




Welcome to the course


Activity Part 1: Your favorite feedback moment

Activity Part 2: Your favorite feedback moment

Activity recap

Giving Feedback: Feedback is Fuel

We’ve all been there…

Feedback is Fuel

Giving Feedback: Helpful frameworks

SBI – Situation, Behavior, Impact

Affirming & constructive feedback

Feedback is Fuel steps

Giving Feedback: Your turn!

Assignment recap

Giving Feedback: Best practices

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Survey: How do you like to receive feedback?

Where, when and how to give feedback

Feedback best practices

Giving Feedback: Difficult situations

If someone is unreceptive to feedback

Giving affirmative feedback

Giving feedback up

When to involve the manager or HR

Receiving Feedback: Growth Mindset

Fixed vs. growth mindset

Quiz: Do you have a fixed or growth mindset?

Developing a growth mindset

Receiving Feedback: Best practices

Activity: Look at different scenarios

Tips for receiving feedback

Control how to receive feedback

Receiving Feedback: Your turn!

Activity: Receive some feedback!

Congrats, you made it to the end!

Thank you & next steps

I want your feedback!

Bonus: Take this course further – Blended initiatives

How to use this course in blended settings

Material for Feedback is Fuel LIVE session