Improve Your Tactical Skills!
What you will learn
☑ Guide To Forcing Moves
☑ Common Tactics
☑ Pattern Recognition
☑ Calculation and Visualization
Evan’s Guide To Forcing Moves In Chess – Course Overview
This Chess University video course by Evan Mathura offers free instruction to beginner level players near 900 Elo level who want to get better. This course provides a thorough introduction to forcing moves and how to use them to improve your play.
Forcing moves help spot tactics, employing them against opponents, and preventing opponents from using tactics themselves. Understanding forcing moves also prevents blunders and will instantly improve the game of anyone who learns them.
The course has been broken up into four video lessons:
Checks: 20 minutes of instruction
Captures: 21 minutes of instruction
Threats: 20 minutes of instruction
Thought Process: 21 minutes of instruction
In addition to the videos, this course also includes an article on finding forcing moves and a worksheet to help solidify understanding.
By studying in this course, beginner players can improve their tactical skill, calculation skill, and improve the chances of finding game-changing forcing moves to win more games. The instruction from this course will also help students improve at defending and counterattacking.
Always remember: “One doesn’t have to play well, it’s enough to play better than your opponent.” – Siegbert Tarrasch
With that said, go ahead and start learning for FREE today!
Thought Process